

Responses from jfrech

Ariston Tunrtable
That's a great table. I used to have one and a linn lp12 at the same time. It's in the same league. I used a grace arm and cartridge at the time... 
Balanced Amps at a reasonable price?
Need some more info...what's your preamp? Speakers? System matching is important. I've used Classe and BAT SS amps. Both were great in my system at the time... 
New Audio Aero Capitole - Mid March
What do you mean by DSD pass through? Will it send out a DSD data stream so a DAC can process it? The only DSD DACs out there I know of are Accuphase and DCS. Will the Audio Aero do SACD internally? I heard so much about these players I'm thinking... 
Virgo user need advice for matching subwoofer?
Check out Fremmers review on Stereophile a few years back on the rhea. it's going to be a great seamless match with your speakers...I've owned the combo before... 
Re-tube time for a BAT VK30. Advice please
you might try upscaleaudio.com. They retubed my vk60. I recommend them... 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
I worked at D&M Sound in Columbia Mo. Paid my way through college. Broke me for the rest of my life buying this stuff! My college system was maggies with kimber cable and Audio Research sp6 with Audio Research tube amp. Linn LP12 table...I thi... 
powercords for BAT amp&preamp?
I have a vk60 and vk50se. I've tried the electraglide fatboys, Shunyata Viper, Fim Gold, Kimber Palladian, and Trans Ref. I personally like the Fim, Kimber and Trans the best. I've also tried all the cords with-without a Cinepro 20. The Bat seems ... 
Wilson Sohpia
I heard the sophia's with the hovland pre and vtl amps at my dealer in Dallas. DCS Elgar and Verdi front end. WOW. I have Watt/puppy 6's. The Sophi's are the way to go...spend the rest of your money on the front end... 
Line Conditioners
I had a cinepro 20 and recently sold it. Need some cash for a DAC I wanted to buy. It made a huge difference in my sound quality. I was running BAT preamp, phono, various cd players, sat dish, marantz dvd etc. Even made my LCD project look much be... 
Near field listening and speaker placement
Hey check out the speaker placement guide on Cardas.com and more importantly for what your asking immedia.com. The immedia setup guide speciffically gives a guide on nearfield placement... 
Hi-end DVD/CD Machine vs. Hi-end CD Player/Transpo
I have a muse model 9 sig. dv/cd combo. I added a DCS DAC recently and am selling my Muse. I'm having 2nd thoughts though. The video section is very good, redbook cd w/o the dac is better than anything I heard in my system. I never heard the Audio... 
Balanced cable for a BAT vk3 - recommendations?
transparent works well with my bat equipment and with your musis selection. also depends on your amp and speakers. don't forget a good power cord... 
Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?
I know the rega arm is grounding through the RCA connectors. Might be a issue there with your preamp. Sorry I can't help more...maybe try posting this on Audio Assylum under the vinyl section...maybe someone will know some tricks...or email sonic ... 
Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?
I have a Lydian Beta with a rega p25/rb600. Bat pre and phono stage. No hum at all. Got to be something you can troubleshoot such as Jim's advice above. Also, maybe a defective cartridge?Also, I'm curious what you think of the TT/cart combo. Sound... 
Which would you buy?
The Muse is a much better redbook cd player than the sony. The Muse is up there with the best one box players-especially the signature version. The sony offers sacd, which, is compelling. The muse is one of the best combo dvd/cd players on the mar...