

Responses from jeffreybehr

Capacitor-less amps
Just FYI, an amplifier without COUPLING capacitors (ie without capacitors in the signal path) is called direct-coupled. All the direct-coupled amps I know of (but I don't get around much) are solidstate. All tubed amps I'm aware of have at least o... 
how much current is enough?
Finding those reviews is the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack.What's the exact term 'Sterophile' used for its sensitivity/efficiency rating? 
No sound from left channel on power amp
Open the cover (or read your owner's manual) and look for fuses* in the powersupply. Lots of amps have them.* I don't mean the main AC-power fuse. 
how much current is enough?
"Another simmilar question...so if the mani-2's (which I dont as yet own...but am considering) are 81 db sensitive...that means that they will play 81 db with 1 watt, 84 with 2, 87 with 4 etc. That means that to get to the 110db, which their spec ... 
how much current is enough?
Well, your Levinson is solidstate and those I mentioned are vacuumtubed. GENERALLY, when SS amps are 'monod', the channels are bridged so that the maximum power quadruples, not doubles. However, each channel drives only half the single impedance, ... 
how much current is enough?
IMO you don't need to know that detailed current output.Amp selection is controlled most importantly by the sensitivity of your speakers and your highest normal listening levels in YOUR room. Because your speakers are VERY insensitive AND low-impe... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
Well, we seem to be splitting hairs here.I was specifically addressing Morbius's comment, which is still incorrect in that class-A amps can indeed be push/pull as are all the solidstate class-A-biased amps I've ever seen (and, as I said, that's no... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
"A Class A amp can't switch to Class A/B--it doesn't havethe second "mirror-image" amplifier chain to handle the opposite polarity. An amp that is Class A only has a singlechain--and it is biased so that it conducts during 100% ofthe cycle--both p... 
SETs vs. Push/Pull
Since you love triodes, consider a triode-wired PP amp such as as the c-j MV55 or MV60 (about 25 and 30WPC, I believe, from a pair of EL34s per channel), or a Premier Eleven-XS, again about 30WPC and EL34s, but this time with Premier-quality desig... 
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me
Dopogue, if YOU were a dealer, wouldn't you LOVE to have a product that sells LOTS more often per demo than the other alternative? The dealer makes more margin (necessary to stay in business) on 3 pairs of $2500 Gallos SOLD than one pair of $10,00... 
European Audio Team KT88 tubes
After reading issue 19 of 'Vacuum Tube Valley' (http://www.vacuumtube.com/ ), I'll be expanding my 'collection' of Ei KT90s and using only them in one of my c-j Premier Elevens. The other will get the new Sovtek plastic-base 6550s (only $39 per bi... 
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me
Rad, did you buy the subwoofer amp? If so, does adding it improve the bass extention as much as TAS said? How about that 'thickening' he/she mentioned? 
What is the benefit of low efficiency speakers?
Upper, the easy answer to your revised question is that there's no easy answer and there are LOTS of variables.1. Designs that use multiple identical drivers (such as the Epiphanys) wire them in parallel or a combination of series and parallel to ... 
So YOU can't hear a difference in cables
Which silvers? 
What is the benefit of low efficiency speakers?
I think Xiekitchen is finally beginning to touch on the substance of the issue.I believe that the vast majority of speaker designers don't WANT their speakers to have low sensitivity, they choose the drivers for OTHER characteristics. Remember whe...