
Responses from jeffloistarca

When Traveling, Best Way to Hear CDs...
Kublakhan, I'd have to agree with you, sort of. Owned a pair of Ety's for a few weeks, but I suppose my ears are built somehow different, couldn't find a comfortable position to use them. I was suprised and impressed with they way they sounded, bu... 
My own audio store
Eldragon, QED wire is one of the best values in audio out there, cheap, and to my ears sounds better than many other highly touted (i.e. pricey) wires. If you're curious, I have two runs of 4' Silver Anniversary bi-wire cable left over (unterminat... 
My own audio store
Jeez, everyone lighten up. I didn't go out of my way to type all this stuff, I had it in a Word document and simply cut and pasted here. I felt it would be a good idea to have an inventory in the event theft or fire left me in replacement mode. I ... 
My own audio store
Paul, I hear ya (barely, over the tunes blaring). I think if I unplugged all this stuff, my electric bill would fall by 80% overnight. Believe it or not, I'm not a gear-o-phile, I try to throw together balanced systems for the room/application at ... 
Balanced Input A/B Switch
I agree with Alexanderj. There are balanced-to-single-ended connectors out there, you may want to consider that instead of adding a switch box to the chain. ATB, Jeff 
Newbie with "bright" system
Like you, I had a bright system, and not being able to tweak the room (WAF is an issue) I had to try various gear and wires. Mark, you need tubes in your preamp in a big way and fortunately there's quite a selection to pick from. Some of the bette... 
My own audio store
Ken, surprisingly enough, I have an extra tape deck and that's about it (well, usual closet full of IC's and PC's and various tweaks, but that's par for the course). Bought the overwhelming majority of the stuff off the 'net and have benefited fro... 
My own audio store
Bruce if you don't care then exercise some manners and say nothing. That would be refreshing 
Do your Cables migrate thru your system?
Having seven systems means plenty of requirement for IC's and PC's. So yeah, I demote wire on an on-going basis whenever I can. Only exception is stuff I can't re-use due to length or termination, in fact, put some speaker wire and IC up for sale ... 
Modification of speaker cables
I just bought some over-sized MIT spades, stuffed the wire in, and topped it off with some WBT solder tonight. Cost, $20 for two pairs of spades, and 10 minutes of soldering. 
Best Component Ever, for the money
Oracle Delphi MkIV turntable 
Advice on AR The Complete with MSB Link
Zilch2, not sure what your budget is, but if you can stretch your budget to around $400 (used), the Aragon D2A MKII with the IPS external power supply sure did the trick in my office system (AR Complete, Dyanco CDP, Totem Rokk). Jeff 
Seperates vs Integrated
Lower levels generally suffer when there's insufficient current flowing form the amp, beefier amps seem to do a better job at all listening levels. I'd suggest you consider a Classe integrated, perhaps the CAP151? Jeff 
PC s and/or conditioners etc for BAT
The cords ARE detachable after all, may as well experiment. I'm using Synergistic Research AC Reference on my BATVK30, and a pair of Harmonic Technology Pro AC-11 cords on my BATVK500. Also switched the feet to E.A.R. footers. I like the changes, ... 
Absolute Power Cord does the trick
Jeez guys, if the damned cord was $500 there would be no debate, and you'd likely happily line up to buy it. A genuine value product comes along too infrequently, enjoy it! Jeff