
Responses from jeffloistarca

My system has just received the ultimate insult
I imagine she has various talents that make her a good choice for you, tossing her away may not be the best bet. Does she care if you spend an irresponsible amount of money on your gear and music? Does she find your system ugly and wouldn't be abl... 
What is your upgrade philosophy?
As an example, I waited ten years to buy my dream turntable. I made do with something that worked while I squirreled away the cash, then finally bought the analog front end I always wanted. I'm a firm believer in not buying "good enough" and upgra... 
Cheap Stuff That Keeps Up?
Damn, I forgot the Spica's!!!! I was at a local dealer last week, he had a pair of primo Angelus speakers he'd let go for $300. God knows I tried to figure out somewhere in the house to use'em, no luck. 
Save me from the dentist's drill
I've never been a George Michael authority by any means. May I suggest next visit include a listen to Alice Cooper's "Unfinished Sweet"? Gives me shivers every time I hear it, the drill revving in the background and the infamous "he says my teeth ... 
What is the name of your system.
Like Sean, I just refer to 'em as rooms. Actually, I kind of refer to all the various components as "gear" whether it be a a pair of headphones or an amplifier. It's all gear that makes music. The gear in the family room, gear in the bedroom, etc.... 
Cheap Stuff That Keeps Up?
The original giant killer, the NAD 3020 integrated. You see the 3020's come up every so often for around $150. In the same league is the B&W DM302 speakers @ $200, incredible value. Ridiculous how good these little monitors are for the money, ... 
buying a stereo for my 16 yr. old
Put together a system for my son for his 11th b'day and he loves it. Pioneer PD M650 6-disc CD player, Carver HR752 receiver (remote), NAD 6050C tape deck, B&W DM302 speakers, wall-mounted swivel speaker supports. Interconnect is Monster, spea... 
Need Recommendation for Good Outdoor Speakers
There are several speaker manufacturers that market all-weather speakers. I bought a pair of Mirage Oasis speakers several years ago; no complaints and I live in Canada where the four seasons are rather distinct. They have a little switch on 'em t... 
Other great classified add sources,even Canada?
I've bought and sold a fair amount on, no luck at all on CanuckAudio. Odd, maybe it's cuz Audiocentre is here in Montreal so people assume it's a local sale? As for purchases from the U.S. well, it's damned expensive so you have to... 
Shouldn't this be intuitive?
Thanks gents. The blanks I bought are: Memorex Music CD-R "Recordable Compact Discs for Home Audio Recorders and Computer Writers" 700mb, 80 minute, up to 16X speed. The other brand: Maxell CD-R Music for audio recording. 74 minutes. I had no luck... 
Best amp for ML Z Quests?
I own Quest Z's, have for a long long time now. I've tried various amps with them, so far the best match is a BAT VK-500 with the optional BATPAK. I haven't tried tube amps mostly cuz I don't wanna invest in new tubes on an ongoing basis, the BAT ... 
I don't remember much, but I remember......
I don't have a clue what my first LP was, more than likely early Led Zeppelin or Spooky Tooth's "The Mirror". The most memorable was Born to Run by Springsteen I picked up when I was 16. I was out selling stuff on the street to raise money for the... 
Making cables pretty
Assuming you like your wires other than the appearence, why not get some fabric that compliments your decor and make up some "cable condoms"? Cut it to size, and you (or someone else) sew velcro on the the two edges, and wrap up your cable? Cheap ... 
Point to point wiring VS. PCB drawing
Point to point is preferable when used in a DIY set up, you can experiment with different wire to tune the sound to your liking. Damned hard to tweak a pre-made PCB... 
What Would you Trade your System FOR?
Porsche 911, and a gorgeous woman who is proficient in all rooms of the home. She would also love watching hockey and football, and NEVER nag me.