
Responses from jeffloistarca

Do i get the old or new Classe amps?
I'm a fan of the original Classe amps, designed by Dave Reich. They are the DR series...DR8, DR9, etc. You can pick these up used at a VERY reasonable price; pick up a pair and really have some fun. Careful, there's a ton of current flowing from t... 
Power cords for Audio Refinement system
Toguh call, you don't want to spend a bunch of money on power cords given the value of the gear. $200 power cord on a $400-$600 component? Nah, doesn't make sense. I have an ARC tuner and CDP and changed my cords. I went with Audioquest power cord... 
Best speakers in 2k-3k price point
Electrostatics or ribbons, pick your poison 
Caught in a squeeze
Dekay, in order to place a copy of a picture in an ad here on the 'Gon you need to upload the pic to a site that hosts pictures. You then point your ad to the url where your uploaded pic resides and the pic is now included in your ad. You need to ... 
XLR to RCA Adaptor Available ???
The two most popular quality XLR to RCA adaptors are made by Balanced Audio Technology and Purist Audio. Hop on their website to get a better understanding of what they have to offer. Most people feel there is little or no sonic degradation using ... 
Recs for Small Footprint Audiophile System
I have the same sized room (work office). Linn Classik (EAR feet) on a Target TT1 with an Audio Asylum power cord, and ProAc Tablette 2000's on 24" Focus Quad-pillared stands. Speaker wires are QED Silver Anniversary flat silver biwire speaker cab... 
What does "B-Stock" mean?
Tacs is correct, however another characteristic of "B stock" items could be cosmetic blemishes that have nothing to do with the performance of the unit. The manufacturer sells them off cheaper rather than scrapping the unit. Great buys,'... 
Average age of audiophiles
Average is tough to pinpoint. When I got into audio at the ripe age of 13 I brought the average down a fair bit, now that I'm 40 I guess I'm dragging the average up? I'm thrilled to see 20 year olds involved in the hobby, we need new blood to allo... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
For the record, I really really hate getting kicked in the nuts! I was a wire skeptic and still am to some degree but I have tried different interconnects and found subtle differences that were worth changing from one brand to another. All within ... 
Anybody willing to admit?
Two things I accumulate is LP's/CD's and wires (I have a box of wires and don't have a clue what to do with them all). I listen to half of the music I own as it is, yet still keep buying more new titles. People with 5000 LP's certainly have their ... 
Laugh but give me a clue
You have a couple of options, check out the Bluebook feature here on Audiogon, and/or search completed auctions on Ebay. These data points should give you a good idea what your stuff is worth. Welcome back! 
What Budget turntable should I buy?
On a budget I'm a fan of the SystemDek 'tables (Scottish) and sometimes you come across realtively inexpensive Oracle 'tables as well. I picked up a real nice Oracle Alexandria for $300 at a local dealer. I'd avoid the NAD, low end Regas, and the ... 
Anyone heard of this ? Possible "scam" ?
I'd agree with Lev, I always wait 24 hours before firing up something I buy in the winter. As for the "drop it and run" delivery service, it's possible they bought the TV from a discount store that do not include any set up services due to low mar... 
getting a little obsessed with my first purchase
I'd suggest a pair of Totem Rokk's, they come up for sale here every now and then ~$500. Go to Totem's website and take a look, they are really nice speakers (both visually and sonically). Jeff 
component order on a rack?
Turntable on top, next is the preamp cuz ya fiddle with it quite often (and you don't want to get on all fours to adjust the gain or change input selection), next is the CD player (for the same reasons as the preamp), then tuner, and finally the a...