
Responses from jeffloistarca

harmonic technology power cord
I use HT power cords with my BAT VK500 and I have nothing bad to say about them. I honestly can't hear a difference from one power cord to another; the guy who sold me my amp insisted the HT cords were an ideal match. In any event, reasonably pric... 
Cigar Smell...How to get out of Maggies??
Dan, if they're good Cubans or Dominicans they wouldn't make everything stink. Jeez I hate people that smoke cheap cigars. Cigar stores often keep a bowl of cigar cuttings around, somehow it absorbs the smell. You may want to put them in an enclos... 
Great music in bad commercials - what can you do?
Led Zep and Cadillac. For the life of me I cannot figure what prompted Cadillac to select Rock and Roll. Does Cadillac think they'll suddenly cater to the 40 year-olds? Unlikely. Equally puzzling, do Page, Plant, and Jones need the cash that bad? 
Quality of recording vs Musical tastes
I don't know if this falls into the same category, but a long time ago I bought Steve Winwood's "Arc of a Diver" LP. Loved the music, but I also found the production to be remarkably good. I bought his previous releases and made sure to pick up a ... 
Do you approve of "How Stereophile Market itself"?
Stereophile has staying power and their classifications do help drive sales for manufacturers. I've seen many ads here where the seller points out the item for sale is "Stereophile Class A". Means nothing at all to me, from what I can tell it's ha... 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
Yes, I have Google. does not have Dire Straits or CCR xrcd's listed, yet it seems they are available since some of my fellow 'Goners own copies. The list does not have any rock music at all; but if you're looking for jazz, blues,... 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
Forgive my stupidity, but where can I find a complete list of XRCD's? I tried JVC's site, no luck. Thanks, Jeff 
Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada
A few things in life are predictable, taxes, and the Leaf's NOT winning the Cup. Why should they go the extra mile, corporate Toronto will keep buying the season's tickets anyway. The Nordiques went to Denver and The Jets to Phoenix. We're losing ... 
Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada
I'm with Bluenose, the Leafs just don't have what it takes to win the Cup. As we saw yesterday championships are won from the goal outward, and the Leafs come up short. Cujo is not considered in the top five in the league and the defense is aging ... 
Pros and Cons of Ribbons
My experience with ribbons is with Apogees. All the stated qualities are accurate, the downside is they are power hungry (you best have some big-ass amps) and like all planars they are very sensitive to placement. It can take weeks of fiddling to ... 
Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada
Monday morning and my head hurts. Helluva game, an All-Star game with hitting and passion. The Olympics were terrific, kudos to the folks of Utah and all Americans! 16 days of various and sundry events are really just filler for the hockey games, ... 
money AND time. How do I get both?
Put together a great office system and listen to tunes while ya work 
Toronto: Audiophiles in Toronto
I'm in Montreal but travel to Toronto frequently. I'm up for a get-together 
Gallo Due
You referring to the Micros and the MPS150 sub? 
PlayStation2 as budget DVD source: why/why not?
DVD players can be had for real cheap at Circuit City. I wouldn't rely on a Playstation to play movies, it wasn't designed to be pressed into active HT duty. PS2 as part of a quality HT set-up? Unlikely