
Responses from jea48

I'm a tube novice: Tube substitution?
Jedinite24,Have you read Joe's Tube Lore?. 
Is the EPI 100 an 8ohm load?
Sansui AU666Nominal impedance is 8 ohms for the EPI 100 speakers. amp should easily handle the speakers imo.. 
I'm a tube novice: Tube substitution?
Jedinite24,Here are a couple of sites. 
Pbnaudio,The more I think about your planned receptacle outlet experiment the more I believe the results will yield only flawed results.Some problems I see. The common board all the duplex receptacles will be mounted to. Vibration....The fact that... 
To ensure that all the outlets will be equally represented in this test they will be mounted in a test fixture evenly spaced.What material is the "test fixture" made from? Ferrous or non ferrous? Receptacles can react differently when installed in... 
Can My Subwoofers Damage My Home
A lot depends on the material used to cover the wall studs and ceiling joists.If drywall was used it would then depend on whether the drywall was hung using nails or screws, and whether the drywall was glued to the wall studs and ceiling joists.I ... 
Another Hum question 
Dielectric grease and tubes
NO! Don't use it! 
Amp Shutting Down, need help
Correction. Should read, Then I got into a discussion with Jon Risch which I apparently got confused thinking SMPS could also be used with a power transformer.Anybody ever wonder why the hell the user cannot edit a post after xxxx amount of posts ... 
Amp Shutting Down, need help
If it has large toroids, there is no SMPS. A SWPS might look like an aluminum box inside the unit, but certainly would not sport any toroids, especially large ones. 09-13-12: AtmasphereRalph,Thanks for the response. My limited understanding of SMP... 
Isolation Transformer and Subpanel recommendations
it became clear that some of my responses and my not being an electrician have caused confusion on the thread. Apologies all around for this...09-11-12: Zephyr24069Zephyr24069,For a layman I thought you did fine.Asking questions is a good thing.It... 
Isolation Transformer and Subpanel recommendations
End result is better quality power to my system; the dedicated circuit, rebalancing the house panel to make the dedicated circuit the first one off the main, all other high current circuits on the other leg/phase of the house panel, good quality w... 
Amp Shutting Down, need help
Switch mode supply??! I figured this thing had a big toroid...Hi Ralph,Yes it has two big toroids. Am I wrong in my thinking the amp could still have switch mode power supplies?LOL, it wouldn't be the first time I have been wrong..... Jim 
Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on
Gbart,Thanks for setting up and running the bench test experiment.The reason I asked the question is so the user of a DC blocker could install the blocker on the known offending device or piece of equipment. In this instance the OP's TV instead of... 
Isolation Transformer and Subpanel recommendations
I currently have a 100 ft run of heavy flex conduit for my dedicated circuit;09-11-12: Zephyr24069If you put the new panel in the garage are you saying the new branch circuit/s run, from the new panel, would be 100' or more?I had an electrician pu...