
Responses from jea48

rip George Jones
Rocking Chair. 
Power conditioning / surge protection
Another completely different device (unfortunately also called a protector) does protect even from direct lightning strikes. A technology proven even 100 years ago. 04-28-13: WestomWestom,An SPD that will protect equipment from a direct lightning ... 
Power conditioning / surge protection
Doggydaddy,I would first start with a whole house SPD, (Surge Protection Device.), installed at the main service electrical panel.The closer the SPD is connected to the main breaker of the panel the better. Leads from SPD to mains should be as sho... 
Using autotransformers
Often as high as 130-135 Volts and on other occasions it would drop to below 110.04-28-13: PuertoYour profile says you live in the USA. If you live in the USA contact your power company. Power companies here in the US are regulated by the state. M... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
If a member's account was hacked, would the hacker have the ability to edit the profile?04-22-13: Tls49 Tls49,Yes. But if the hacker changes something in the members profile the agon system sends an email to the member's Verified email address tha... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
The new Agon $25 flat fee is a good idea.Allowing the seller to post his phone number is a good idea.Also allowing the buyer to email the seller like the old system used to work without first having to be read by a carbon based unit would be a goo... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
The way it works is this: You enter your phone number and get an automated call to that number with a code you then have to enter. Draw you own conclusions as to how well this qualifies as verified.04-21-13: DrubinNot worth a damn if an Agon membe... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
This is a huge improvement and a must for expensive gear that demands a phone call. Very good move Agon.04-20-13: Grannyring"the ability to add a VERIFIED PHONE NUMBER for prospective buyers to ask questions"VERIFIED PHONE NUMBER??Verified by who?... 
What exactly is a 20 amp dedicated line?
Jea48, Just to clarify,Did you mean to write "seperate legs" of the power box, when you wrote 'It is...not be fed from separate circuits...04-21-13: MeschMesch,Not sure what you mean. Could you copy and paste the portion of my post you're are refe... 
25.00 flat rate shipping
Our new $25 listing includes:NO TRANSACTION FEES – just pay the $25 when you list the ability to add a VERIFIED PHONE NUMBER for prospective buyers to ask questions up to TWELVE PHOTOS per listing! No worries: Our standard $4 listing pricing wil... 
What exactly is a 20 amp dedicated line?
Hcbravesfan,If you use a 3 wire with ground romex (NM-B) for the purpose of creating 2 circuits what you end up with is a multi wire branch circuit.With a 3 wire multi wire branch you will have 2 separate circuit,(not 2 dedicated circuits), with a... 
how to run a 230 volt line from my panel??
Jea,Why do you think there is any "risk" in installing a 220V line in a residential setting. If done properly there is no more risk in this than a 120V line. There are special outlets for just this purpose.04-18-13: Pbnaudio Pbnaudio,It does not m... 
how to run a 230 volt line from my panel??
Again I strongly recommend that you get an electrician to do this for you this way you should avoid any costly mixups.04-17-13: PbnaudioYa, and if the electrician is a State licensed electrician with any smarts he will tell Fluffers he can not ins... 
how to run a 230 volt line from my panel??
Just for every ones information.NEC 2011Article 210.6 (A)Occupancy Limitation. In dwelling units, and similar occupancies, the voltage shall not exceed 120 volts, nominal, between conductors that supply,(2) Cord-and-plug loads 1440 Va, nominal, or... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Spiritofmusic,Does the "Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system" connect directly to earth, the equipment ground, or main grounding system of your home?If the unit is not directly connected to one of the above, why the use of the word "eart...