
Responses from jea48

No bass in the Proac Response 3
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
I have an idea for a secure method for verifying a posted ad is in fact posted by the username shown on the ad.Agon would have write a slight program change from the way an ad is posted now.The procedure the seller uses now to design his ad would ... 
Interconnects Signal Path
On four occasions now, the sound starts out not sounding very good, but almost exactly at 2 1/2 hours of continuous listening, the sound stage suddenly "blooms" and I hear what I have identified as the beauty of the Morrow interconnects. When it h... 
Interconnects Signal Path
Jjrenman,Here is a response from Charles Hansen to a question I asked him on wire directionality. Note he really didn't have a finite opinion on cable direction but note what he said about the proper orientation of axial-leaded plastic film capaci... 
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Also I thought A'gon had provision against this. If you log on from multiple locations your ID gets locked. This has happened when I've gone on vacation. I normally log in from work but when I was away and logged into A'gon I got a message stating... 
Interconnects Signal Path
Even after reading all of the suggested threads I am sticking with my understanding that music is an A/C signalYes it is. No disputing that.. 
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Tls49,Ships from - Germany (Going to Seller Information/Classic Profile/Discussion Posts, shows Country as USA)That's easy..... Ya, I moved to Germany a year ago and just never got around to updating my profile and forgot all about it. I need to g... 
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Tls49,Ya, all that and still some sucker bought the thing and sent the scammer over $8,000 dollars cash. Now the buyer is emailing the true Agon member through the Agon message system demanding his money back.  
When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Fraudulent bogus ad in question. XDS1 I have for sale is the latest version with the latest software serial number 6222, only about 8 month... 
Interconnects Signal Path
Actually, music is not a push pull thing, not where interconnects are concerned. You know, what with DC and all.04-12-13: GeoffkaitDC?Deep! 
Interconnects Signal Path
There is not a direction to the sound as music is more of a push pull kind of thing.The arrows usually indicate what side the independent shield is grounded to. The reasoning is that the shields should all end up at the same ground which in most c... 
Interconnects Signal Path
Just a few cable directionality threads from the Agon archives.200120052013. 
Interconnects Signal Path
Using autotransformers
It has been suggested to me that the best way to avoid incoming voltage irregularities from the street to my Krell mono blocks is to add an autotransformer to each amp's dedicated 20 amp line.PuertoBuck / Boost transformers can be configured as au... 
Hi-Fi Fuses - SNAKE OIL? - or something in it?
Check the archives lots of threads on the subject matter.I read a post a while back, can't remember which forum, where a guy sent a piece of audio equipment in for repair that was still under warranty. The repair center noticed the fuse/s and void...