
Responses from jdane

How Sound Works in Rooms (from YouTube)
But the final sentence opens a whole can of worms: the use of diffusers and absorbers "make the sound more natural."   But there is nothing 'natural' about the best symphony hall (which itself is far from perfect), or studio, and we never experien... 
Stereo systems are like Harleys
My first system had a Heathkit for left channel, Fender Bandmaster for right channel, and a turntable with a ceramic cartridge since who knew from pre-amps?  It wasn't real detailed, balanced, or nuanced, but it sure was loud.  And yes, my '67 XLC... 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
  Among those for whom English was not a first language:  Joseph Conrad, Vladimir Nabokov, Anais Nin, Henry Kissinger.  I don't think MG needs to defend himself!   one of the problems with writing in one's 'first language' is that it is a seemingl... 
Did Nixon Erase My Tape?
Past midnight.  Never knew such silence.  The earth might be uninhabited ... 
Did Nixon Erase My Tape?
Box Three.  Spool 5.  Spooooooooooooool 5. 
Has anybody bought or heard a Chinese knock off amplifier?
Non communist.   You mean like Brazil, Poland, and Hungary? 
Listening in the dark-Fluorescent lights causing hum
Yup.  That was the vintage of mine. All gone now--tubes, horrible light, always hummed, often didn't turn on, and dripped from the ballast.  I'm glad they've improved, but I doubt I'll ever try them again. 
Audiogon Is Still Relevent...Don't Listen to the Naysayers.
The negative comments don't bother me as long as they aren't mere personal attacks.  It's an entertainment/hobby site, not unlike sports boards.  It's not 'important' in any sense.  I didn't love my music any less when i had scratchy used Seraphim... 
Listening in the dark-Fluorescent lights causing hum
I'd bite the bullet and replace those lights:  you'll have to eventually, no?, or deal with that black presumably carcinogenic crap that leaks out of all the ballasts as they wear out. 
Killer used integrated for
Well, you can likely find a tube integrated for that (I know--China--you take your chances, OR a reconditioned receiver--again you take your chances), which (if it works) will likely (again!) sound great, and even if it doesn't (some folks are ant... 
Ok to adjust balance to achieve center vocal image?
NO!  It is NEVER acceptable to change the balance, and if you have a tone control, you need to re-wire to by-pass it.  In certain, rare, circumstances, it is OK to use a volume control, but most of us never do. 
Craigslist Fraud
Classic scam.  Every time I have posted on Craigslist, I get at least one of these ("Price is acceptable.  Please remove ad.  I am unfortunately out of state but I [or my agent] will send a check."). I simply delete.  Never had a problem with 'rea... 
Stereo systems are like Harleys
Dgarretson--  Ha!!!  Exactly!  The tolerances were such that anyone--even me!--could work on them (these are 60s bikes here).  I believe I put one of the pistons in backwards, and after a few miles, recalled precisely my hand movements putting in ... 
DVD player playing CD's
Don’t know what a hi-end DVD player sounds like, but I can tell you for sure that a low-end DVD-player is sh*t compared to any routine dedicated CD-player. (I was told they had two different lasers and related circuitry? So that essentially what y... 
Stereo systems are like Harleys
Ha.   Thank God I don't have to spend as much time replacing tubes, bad solder joints, broken switches, bad wiring, stripped bolts, valves, pistons on my system as I had to on my '67 stock XLCH.