
Responses from jdane

Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
This makes me feel much better about all the rock shows I didn't go to in the 60s! 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Some Russian bear of a violinist (can't remember who), who gave as the most painful encore I have ever witnessed, the entire text (in broken English) and music of Ferdinand the Bull. 
CD player reliability.... good and bad.
Pretty satisfied with mine, which have all lasted 5-10 years or more. (except for the car ones, which not only suck, but tend to scratch the discs I use in them.  Or maybe it's just because I don't handle them as carefully when I'm driving.  Now I... 
Driver breakin period, what’s the science?
I believe the break-in period will be one hour longer than the warranty. 
SQ vs. Music
I rarely listen to SQ:  it just creeps up on me sometimes, as in 'Holy crap, that sounds good'.But on my crappy bedroom system--a cd player w/ a mixer and computer speakers--I will often adjust everything to make it sound as good as it can sound. ... 
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?
Well, on second thought, maybe not.   When I was in college, I had a make-shift stereo where the left channel was a Heathkit mono + speaker, and the right-channel a Fender Bandmaster (slightly 'rebuilt'--in those days it was rumored that the speak... 
Next to theaters, cars are the ideal speaker environment
It's not a stable environment at all--fans, windows partially rolled up, dogs panting, plus other people sitting there.    But one thing is for sure:  it is ALWAYS loud enough.   And that is likely what convinces us  the sound there is better than... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
On my turntable?  Alas, a bunch of cd's that prevent me from raising the cover. 
Albums you played endlessly growing up
Cheap Thrills; Sgt. Pepper, and before that, Chuck Berry (Bowl or Cherries), and Everly Bros. 
Takedown of pricey servers, streamers OCD HiFi guy
Well, at the higher end, audio equipment is both furniture and art  (physical and audio sculpture), and thus provides the same sort of aesthetic pleasure that a painting we like does.  So price is meaningless.  When someone buys a painting for ten... 
How to go about collecting Classical Music
Again, you'll never get a consensus but I agree completely that listening to FM radio and going to concerts is invaluable ( even though I've done neither in the past year; I also think streaming is a good idea--having never done it myself!).   Jus... 
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?
Of course!  if it weren't, I'd get something else.   
How to go about collecting Classical Music
OMG, you'll never get consistent advice.  Buy what you like.  (or borrow it from the library!)  I don't know anything about streaming; but you can get "Brilliant Classics" recordings for $2-3/disc and the quality and performances are excellent.  Y... 
Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?
I have a pretty low-end system(s), a few thousand bucks.   I have several times tried up-grading cables--interconnects, speaker cables.  I was unable to hear a difference.  So if I have a grand or three or four, I'll likely invest it where it will... 
Canine Listeners?
That is cool.  My dumb-ass dog pays no attention to any sound, other than the doorbell, fireworks, and any word, inflected as a question, involving food.