

Responses from jbuhl

Recommendation for amp
+ on the Hegel. I audition the Rost and it was a really nice piece.https://listenup.com/hegel-h90.html 
any suggestions on what to replace Bluesound Node 2i with
You might also explore Small Green Computer & Roon solution.  You could get a SGC Sonic Transport i5, Optical Rendu or Microrendu and a Roon license for ~$3K.   
The Sparks Brothers Documentary
Here is the vid from , my now favorite Sparks Track.  Its off their most recent album.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN9rb4aM-AQ 
Wadia 321 DAC VS. PS Audio Perfectwave II DAC. Any thoughts ?
Mcintosh did shelve the Wadia line but offed support to 3rd party outfit in CA.  di122 and 322 do DSD but not the 321.  These DACs are thorough implementations of the ESS SABRE 9016S.  "ESS Technology Sabre 9016S, an eight-channel DAC chip that a... 
Streaming Transport without DAC- few choices
Mac mini may sound purdy good. But dealing with all the patches/security upgrades is a headache. Go for a dedicated streamer. +1 on the Raspberry Pi. I found a Bryston BDP Pi used for $500 (basically a Raspberry Pi). Manic Moose interface is spart... 
Need a DAC Recommendation.
Wadia di122 over on Ebay for <$1K.  It's a good implementation of Sabre ES9016S. Mcintosh shelved the line but support is available via 3rd party. 
Rogue Audio Stereo 100, Atlas Magnum III anybody running them? Sound signatures?
No phono stage on the Freya + Little bit of "PRE" digression:RP series has purdy well regarded phono stage. I have the RP-1 (Mullards) and compared the phono stage against a Moon 110LP v2 and did not think the Moon warranted the spend. my TT is P6... 
Rogue Audio Stereo 100, Atlas Magnum III anybody running them? Sound signatures?
Does the Freya have a phono stage? 
Class D for a Tube Lover
+1 for the PS Audio S300 combined with a tube pre. I ran an S300 with a Rogue RP-1 that was upgraded to Mullards. I just recently sold the S300 for a QUAD class A/B that runs a little bit warmer than the s300. Im not sure it sounds that much bette... 
Novice Tidal Question…
Yep just put the Tidal app on your phone and log in with your account info.  Then either bluetooth to car radio of use Aux input (hardwire) .  I have to use the later as my car is 13 years old. 
Streamer question
" That's interesting. What you describe was my experience with Aurender. I dumped it in favor of the Bryston BDP-3, which has worked very well for me. I do use Rigelian. "@cleeds Can you configure Rigelian to stream a music service like Qobuz?... 
Small green computer sonic transport i5
I gots the ST i5. It's a solid no doubt. I think its a great way to go for running The Roons and always recommend it as a solution. I have a Bryston BDP pi as an endpoint and the combo  sounds and works good.I  am always amazed how good Radio Para... 
New Speakers $10K -$20K
You FLAX'r you!  I demoed the Focal 926 vs the same price range model SF.  The SF won it with strings , female voice etc but for my overall selection of music (rock, blues, world ,etc)   the Focals were the choice.   Never really got over the chea... 
Anyone have a HD connected to the rear USB of Teac NT-505
I dont know the details of you extender but the one I had was horribly unreliable.  I would consider getting a mesh network and hardwire the PC and the NT to Mesh Nodes. 
Anyone have a HD connected to the rear USB of Teac NT-505
Im not familiar with Your server software but you  could do a ROON trial.  Fire up the Roon server on your PC.  It should see the Hard Drive and see the TEAC as an endpoint as the NT 505 is Roon Ready.