

Responses from jbuhl

What is the reason for this? (Digital vs Vinyl Question)
I have a Rega P6/Ania, Respectable Tubed phono stage with matched Mullards and equivalent+ investment in amplification and speakers. This also is proly considered entry level. I also have been building/tinkering with my streaming configuration fo... 
Tube preamp for my Bryston 7B3
PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp has input stage tubes.  And they might even have a try and buy on that model.https://www.stereophile.com/content/ps-audio-bhk-signature-preamplifier  
Tube preamp for my Bryston 7B3
If you have not done so you might check here at the Bryston forum on audiocircle.com https://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?board=57.0 
Tube preamp for my Bryston 7B3
Might look at Rogue RP series. Good value stuff. I have had the RP-1 for several years and really have enjoyed it. Put in matched Mullards from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Match that with class A/B solid state amp and Focal 926.There is an RP-5... 
Rotel RA-1592 MK II or something else to deliver around 200W to B&W towers around $3000?
There are a set of  Wyred4Sound - SX-1000 monoblocks (ICEpower) over on usaudiomart for $1200.  Pair those with a $1000 used  Rogue RP-1 and a set of Mullard  matched tubes and your flying high.  Do some searches on here about users who combine... 
Rotel RA-1592 MK II or something else to deliver around 200W to B&W towers around $3000?
Rogue Hydra (Tube/ClassD) over on USAudiomart.  Pair that with a $1K pre. Could also be a plausible option. 
Rotel RA-1592 MK II or something else to deliver around 200W to B&W towers around $3000?
+1 on the Hegel or if you dont have Switching-Phobia you could try this guy. https://www.psaudio.com/products/stellar-strata/Strata on audiogon here for $2.3KOr do a $1.5K Tube pre and a Class D amp. Wyred4Sound pre & amp combo might also be a... 
Can we talk about Qobuz for a minute
I have had them all at one point.  I as with Deezer for a few years which was good.  I then switched to Qobuz.  Didnt like the corporate history behind Tidal although I did trial it. Luckily My Bryston Pi supports Qobuz.  I have tweekatized my sys... 
Esoteric N-03T streamer with Roon or ?
I don’t see any reason why I would not be able to install the Esoteric Soundstream app on the iPad as well, in case I want to bypass Roon for some reason, and use it to stream straight to the N 03T.It may well be that someone who actually has done... 
Esoteric N-03T streamer with Roon or ?
On second look it does appear that the N-03T does have digital out. So you could use it as your Roons endpoint and then go digital out to the Luxman via USB or Coax.So: Roon--> N-03T --> D-10X -->Amp 
Esoteric N-03T streamer with Roon or ?
From just a quick look , it does not appear you can use the Esoteric in your config. Im sure I will be corrected if wrong . The esoteric appears to only have analog out (streamer/DAC). If you want to use the internal DAC in the Luxman with ROONs y... 
"Need" Roon, Bluesound Node, or or other streamer?
+1 on dropping the MQA requirement.  Do some critical comparison MQA vs standard 24/96.  Opens up your options as well 
Tube Preamp - What to buy?
Another plug for the RP-1. Get it new with warranty and then use the extra $$ to find a nice set of vintage tubes you like. As others have said the phono stage is worthy. I auditioned the Moon 110LP against the RP-1 internal and the Moon was not w... 
QUAD style dumper with tube class A front?
Just for reference I got the QUAD Artera Stereo  (Dumpster).  Fronted it with a Rogue RP-1 with Mullards.  I am enjoying the combo.  
CD player as a transport
posted today. Made specifically as a transport only. I bet hit dont last long.https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649751010-cambridge-audio-cxc-v1-cd-transport/