

Responses from jbuhl

NO listening sessions posible , bookshelf for a Raven Nighthawk
Totem also make the Signature One that has a beautiful finish, is well regarded and comes in just shy of 88db.https://totemacoustic.com/product/signature-one/ 
NO listening sessions posible , bookshelf for a Raven Nighthawk
Although the Quad Z-1 only have a sensitivity of 86 Quad make a great speaker. I had the S-5 and the imaging was the best of any speaker I have ever owned  Loved the wood finish , much more pleasing than my current Focals.  Wish I had never sold t... 
Mark Levinson 39 or Wadia 830 for direct to amp?
Wadia is still supported by an outfit in CA.  I think if you call the number off the Wadia website you get those guys and not the Mcintosh labs bunch. 
Best Way to Upgrade Digital
Bryston BDP series might be an option they will sound better than Blu Node. There is a BDP Pi over on Usaudiomart for $550. BDP-2 can be found for around $1.5K This could be used to stream a service like Qobuz and the Manic Moose interface can be ... 
What's a real upgrade from LuminT2
If your happy with Modwright go whole hog with Elyse.  http://6moons.com/audioreviews2/modwright/1.html. 
What's a real upgrade from LuminT2
Yep , first step I would take is audition external DAC.  Mcintosh D100 over on ebay for $1.2k.  Be a cheap way to try something out that you could easily sell.  Wadia 321 over on Usaudiomart which is basically the same thing. 
HiRes lossless FLAC Radio streams
@pjb255livecom To what purpose would pushing a lossless program thru a compressed medium like Bluetooth gain? Phooey. If their app runs on an iPad should be able to go digital out to a DAC 
New Streamer Transport
Low budget vintage preamp or new
Consider this https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649775314-rogue-audio-rp-1-preamp-barely-used/Rogue good outfit.  You get a very respectable phono stage as well. 
HiRes lossless FLAC Radio streams
I am a dedicated RP Flac streamer and financial supporter. Bill does excellent curation at RP. If you like the station be sure and donate $$ or buy products from their page. They even have a facility where you can upload images that display along ... 
Budget Phono preAmp
Make sure you get a demo/audition.  I brought in the Moon 110LP v2  and compared it to my internal preamp stage and it was not worth the spend. I was going to have to move up the line to get improvement. 
Streamer vs. new mac mini for 2 channel system
Today I am happy owning a dedicated streamer. It does want to do its firmware updates from time to time, but that’s it. It’s built-for-purpose and I don’t have to deal with the extraneous ’stuff’ of OS X. Plenty of people on this site , me include... 
Streamer vs. new mac mini for 2 channel system
+2 on buying a used dedicated streamer and compare to Mini.  I had roon core running on a mini and just got tired of all the upgrades and garbage affecting my rig.  Bought an SGC ST to run the Roon core and put  it in my cabinet and barely have to... 
Wyred 4 Sound vs. Roon Nucleus
There is a Bryston BDP pi over on USAudiomart with a LPS for ~$750. The interface is Manic Moose and the player is open source MPD. I think it sounds a bit better than Roon and it has native access to Tidal and Qobuz. The units are discontinued no... 
Wyred 4 Sound vs. Roon Nucleus
If sound quality is your primary consideration, Roon may not be your best choice. Which brings up another question, what is your music source? Ripped files,music service , both?