

Responses from jbhiller

Phono Stage Gain Question
@lewm , I do not have a step up transformer. Just the Chinook to a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated amplifier.  
Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling
In my Chinook I like Tungsgram.   https://www.ebay.com/itm/Tungsram-PCC88-7DJ8-M-Pairs-MINT-NOS-JAN-APRIL-1971-Hungary-ECC88-E88CC-sub/160932194464?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649I also like National.  Try Upscale f... 
best phono stage under 10k
Personally I'd like the Manley Steelhead at <$10k.  It also has a line level single ended input for your DAC/CD/Streamer, which means it can function as your phono pre and preamp.  But I'm a tube guy and like the Manley sound.  They also have s... 
Phono Stage Gain Question
Thanks uberwaltz!  I'm the happiest I've been with the system in years, which makes enjoying things much easier.   
Phono Stage Gain Question
Great, great responses folks!  Thanks to all.  I'm going to run things at 45dB for a few weeks.  I really appreciate all of the knowledge. And, Millercarbon, thanks for really diving in here.  Very helpful. 
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
BTW,  I'll get the 7581as back in rotation again to see how they stack up to the GL KT77s.  Both are great tube compliments--I can't go wrong. 
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
So true Wolf.   
Phono Stage Gain Question
Hi Uberwaltz!  Always good to see you chime in. Yes, the cartridge is a Koseki Purple Heart.  I have 0 hum at 45 dB or 60 dB.  The Chinook is dead quiet--always has been. I may just leave it at 45 dB for a few weeks.  
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
@wolf_garcia ,  I'm sure folks could charge me with ignorance or blasphemy here--  I think the 7581as sound better with less than 1000 hours on them.  I think they fade off just a touch in my system after that.   
Flux HiFI Electronic Stylus Cleaner
Thanks Slaw!!  That's a deal.  Simple yet effective and overpriced device, which really gets the stylus clean. 
Phono's $2100 to $2600
Manley Chinook  
KISEKI PURPLE NS your reviews....
I have this cart. It’s glorious. It’s worth every penny. No issues or problems whatsoever.  
Why No Love For Peachtree Audio?
I owned a Peachtree Nova 300. It was a lovely amp. I wish other makers would pay attention to the case and layout of Peachtree. Just beautiful and it’s a piece of design for the living room. High WAF. The DACs and phono stages in them are great fo... 
You have to do what you want and feel best. I’d be curious to pair the Tannoys with tubes from Primaluna, Carver or Rogue products   If I was going SS I’d audition Luxman Class A by purchasing through Musicdirect.  
best phono stage under 10k
OP, sorry to hear about the RFI you are battling. That is so frustrating it would keep me up at night. Putting that aside for a moment....If my budget went to $10k I’d buy a Manley Steelhead. It’s pretty cool that it can serve as a line stage inpu...