Responses from jaymark
Tube preamp for pass labs ? Run an Aric Audio Motherlode XL with a modded X250.5. Great combination. | |
A great interconnect between Soulution 751 and 725 Zavfino Siver Dart Graphene interconnects... | |
Tube preamp match with Solid Stare amp Aric Audio Motherlode XL preamp. Off the hook good... | |
GaN Class D amps are already outdated, it's time for GaN on Diamond! Interesting. Seems to be a ways from commercialization though... | |
Zafvino Silver Dart Graphene vs. ? I have Silver Dart graphene interconnects in my refernce system and they are spectacular. I have Zavfino speaker cables, below the Silver Darts, in my exercise system and they are excellent. I would also recommend highly Grover Huffman Pharoah s... | |
Supertweeters Work @kennyc I picked up a pair of the Enigma Acoustic Soparino supertweeters. I switched then in for the Townshed supertweeter. They are both fine performers but the Soparinos won't be coming out anytime soon. They give a bit more of everything tha... | |
Supertweeters Work @antigrunge2 I know what I am hearing and know that I like it. I know where I hear the improvement so you are not helping me with your comments. | |
Supertweeters Work @perkadin u are not in the least on target. I could hear the improvement with the mods but something was missing. When I put the supertweeters in that I had inadvertently left out what I was missing was now present. Not sure why this forum at... | |
Supertweeters Work @jacobsdad2000 the funny thing is that in real life I am a physician-scientist. There are things that are real that we can’t measure. Our explanations for explaining things that are real can be really weak and offbase. In the audio world it seems ... | |
Supertweeters Work Gotta love this forum. You make a clear honest statement about how u accidentally discovered the real positive impact of supertweeters and u get guys posting crap about age and hearing capacity. Well I am over 40 and I will never listen to my Ae... | |
Supertweeters Work @antigrunge2 interesting points u make. However, they do indeed improve the treble and upper register extension. They also bring this area to life... | |
Supertweeters Work @noromance the supertweeter fixed the upper register, added air and extension, and made the upper end come alive. It also seems to have positively impacted the midrange and lower as well but quantitatively more the upper frequencies. My supertwe... | |
Grounding Box Q I have the Synergistic Research ground box on my reference system and it works. I think the improvement in my system is well worth the money. | |
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound? Grover Huffman Pharoah power cable | |
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today? I have the Shultz midded LSA Voyager GAN amplifier. The error is by omission not commission. It is a fantastic, clean, crystalline and extended amplifier from the midbass on up. What it lacks is that meat on the bones from the midbass and lower fr... |