

Responses from jaymark

Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@pynkfloydd many thanks.  I was going to pick up a pair of used PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks used then got cold feet when the seller did not know how old they were and the serial numbers were non-sequential.  So I ordered a brand new pair from P SA... 
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@tweak1  I do have a modded Voyager GAN.  It is a very fine amplifier.  Not as good to my ears as my modded JC1 monoblocks but mighty fine.  I like having a menu of amps to rotate or have as backups.  Never used any of the contact enhancers - migh... 
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@ yyzsantabarbara I sold my Coda #16 amp last year.  My modded LSA Voyager GAN amp is worth a lot more to me than I could ever get for it by selling it.  Class D has come a long damn ways.  I suspect that the gan fet is a chunk of this progress as... 
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
Do PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock amps require a 20 amp line?  If not require one would the sound better with one? Or is a 15 amp line sufficient?    
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@ wspohn at this moment I have my Ric-modded LSA Voyager GAN amplifier inserted in my reference system.  It sounds quite good actually.  
Handling Heavy Amps
OP, great question cause many of us struggle with this issue moving around monster amps.  Gonna get me one of those hydraulic things...  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
Thanks @dhungana ​​​​@veerossi   
Why do some amplifiers throw a bigger soundstage than others?
I must admit that it is fun imagining my large deep soundstage emanating from my reference system. So damn good that I suspect it ain’t real - its a repeating simulation.  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
Have there been many changes to the PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock amplifiers over the past few years?  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@davetheoilguy I am driving Aerial Acoustic 7T speakers.  They have been rebuilt, including the crossovers, and rewired with silver wire.  Much clearer than stock for sure.  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@ozzy where did u purchase the Michi’s? @ curiousjim, thanks for the update on the sonics  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@rgottschalk thanks for the BAT recommendation.  Will check it out. @tomic601 thanks for the Aesthetix rec.  Will for sure due my diligence on it.  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@curiousjim how would u describe your initial impression of the sonic signature of the bhk 300 monoblocks? @timlub Thanks for the amp recommendation.  I have some old modded Ampzilla amps in my exercise room audio system that are damn good.  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@jl35 Doug Jessie, ASi Teknology modified my amps, dac, preamps and speakers...  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@pynkfloydd I will check out the amps u suggested on the PS Audio website. @jl35 Thanks foe the PassLabs suggestion. I already have two Pass Labs amps, neither though is a monoblock. They sound good, both modded, but the JC1 monoblocks sound bett...