Tekton Open Baffle Speakers

I see they have new open baffle speakers with 15 inch woofers that can be pre-ordered for 3000 bucks.  After the pre-order period they will be 7K.

Has anyone heard a prototype of this speaker?  At this price point it's tempting to order and sell if I don't like it.  I have 4 two channel systems and a vibrant stereo kit graveyard.

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Happy New Years Everyone ,you want aGreat open baffle speaker ?

i know Clayton Shaw well a excellent engineer and honest guy 

His Latest effort is without peer at $3k buy of the year !! 


Ive heard open baffle speakers are not good for rock/metal? How is the mid bass on most open baffle speakers? 

@mofojo I don't listen to that genre of music.  Anyways, I heard open baffle bass on Emerald Physics CS2s and was just mesmerized.  I listen to jazz 85%, new age 10%, and classical 5%.

Take a look at GRResearch NX Open Baffle Speakers. Great sound, excellent detail at low volumes, and rock as hard as you can stand it. 

So many better speakers out there for the same or less money. If you like loud stuff (not quality) then go for it or buy a pair of cerwin Vega’s. 
if you want some pretty good open baffle speakers, check out underwood hifi EP series. Heard some a few years back at a rmaf show and I remember they were $3000, probably $4000-$5000 now. Of course there is Nola speakers but not sure what you can get these used for but these sounded very good at past audio shows.