

Responses from jaymark

Class D with high efficiency speakers
@tweak1 no the Voyager is not stock it has the EVS mod.  
Revel F208 - worth a try?
A really nice polite speaker.  I sold my F208s a while back and replaced them with Spatial X5s.  
Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?
I second the SPLElector solid state preamp.  Awesome performer.    
Quobuz subscription
I have Qobuz.  I like the sound quality on my reference system.  I suspect the artists make good money off streaming as there is a lot more streaming volume per artist than sales of the same physical media.  
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
So if a company makes 4 levels of the same product, even if they don't explicitly state it, they are inferring that there is an improvement in sonics at each higher level.  Who knows if if is 5, 7.5, 10 or 15%.  I don't take the claim of an 15% im... 
Analyzing DACs
Listening to music is a subjective experience. Measurements of meaning should significantly correlate with the subjective experience or at least some component of it. This, for me, is where the measurement argument runs out of steam. Measurements ... 
The Forgotten
Spica and Bolivar speakers.  Back in the day I had both.  Bolivar I believe was a budget or poor man's JBL offshoot.    
A Skeptics Digital Upgrade Journey
Heck of a journey.  Glad u took it.  
Puritan PSM156
I have one in my reference system.  It is a stellar performer IMO.  The only component not plugged into it is my Coda #16 amp.  Highly recommended.  
Worth upgrading my cables?
Zavfino cables and Grover Huffman cables are both superb performers.  
Anyone dislike Ohm Walsh speakers?
Cheap crossovers were previously mentioned by @ oldhyvec, I think. This seems to be a common problem. In my Magnepan 1.7s, the crossovers were cheap junk. Asi Teknology rebuilt them and moved them into an external box. Strikingly positive sonic im... 
Warning for Revel lovers
Thing is there is so much variability in product availability.  Service for high end gear by manufacturers is also highly variable.  So there are examples available at either extreme and everything in between.  I will definitely more strongly cons... 
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
I had a similar problem in my reference system.  I had a gain mismatch between my amp and preamp.  I had to turn the gain way down on my Supratek preamp feeding my Coda 16 amp.  Viola, problem solved.  
Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper
I take back my statement about no experience with OCC speaker cables as I have Zavfino speaker cables, not the top of their line, in my exercise room system.  I love them.  
Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper
I use and prefer OCC copper in my interconnects.  I have less experience and therefore opinion about speaker cables.