Responses from jaymark
Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe?? Coolhand, thanks for your perspectives. Please enlighten me though on what you hear as the clear differences between Ayre and Meridian CD players.Thanks in advance. | |
Ayre C-5xe vs Ayre C-7xe?? Thanks Ejlif. | |
Is too much power in an amp really a problem? I run 300 wpc Sheng Ya monoblock solid state amplifiers on the low end and Wyred 4 Sound 125 wpc amps on the top end of Emerald Physic speakers. These are highly sensitive speakers yet they sound specatcular with the powerful amps I am using on th... | |
What do you see as the downside of tubes? I was a solid state amp/tube pre-amp man for years. My systems sounded great. Then I purchased Canary monoblock tube power amps and mono-block pre-amplifiers. I have not listened to my superb solid state set-up 30 minutes over the last month or so... | |
Tube amps that kick ass? Canary CA-160 monoblocks, 140 wpc. I second their recommendation that was made to previously. I just bought a pair off Audiogon and to say the least I am very impressed. They really spank my Von Schweikert VR 4 JR's. The sound is excellent. Very g... | |
Looking to Modify a Quicksilver Linestage Joseph Chow of Audio Horizon modified my quicksilver linestage. Turned a thousand dollar linestage into a very high performer. | |
Looking for a good speaker cable for tube amps. I am running Morrow Audio SP-2 cables on my Canary Tube Monoblocks; using Von schweikert VR 4JR speakers. These speaker cables are superb and they are not even his top of the line. And they are relatively cheap, very flexible, and have great smoot... | |
Powercords for Canary Monoblock Preamplifiers Sidssp - I can still hear a difference at 52 years old. maybe in a few years I won't be able to and I can unload my stash of power cords over three two channel systems for a bundle of cash. Nevertheless, I am not going to pay much over 250 - 300 d... | |
Powercords for Canary Monoblock Preamplifiers Sidssp - I have not run stock power cords on anything because, big surprise, I am looking for better performance.I haven't bought any in a while; last time was when Lessloss had a sale for about $299. I have sticker shock looking at the prices now... | |
tube pre suggestions Sorry, I re-read your post and picked up the need for remote contorl.I don't use them so my brain skipped that part of your post initially. Nevertheless, the pre-amps I talked about are fine 2 ch pre-amps minus the convenience of a remote. | |
tube pre suggestions Airt tight ATC-3; rarely talked about on Audiogon. I have had one for years - it was a fine, excellent sounding tube pre-amp. Then I had Jospeh Chow of Audio Horizons modify it - he even took out the power supply and built another box to house it ... | |
Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718? I have a W4S 125 wpc amplifier. It sounds almost pathologically smooth. I previously owned the Usher speaker you have. With a Meridian 200 wpc solid state amp it was too forward,etched and brittle for me. I ended up selling both.I can only guess t... | |
Thinking about moving to a tube pre - suggestions. A tube pre-amp that is not talked about much is the Air-Tight. I have one and absolutely love it. It sounded really nice in the stock form and I had it modified and it is a giant killer. Used on AG you can find them for about 1800 dollars. Chow at... | |
2k budget for Amp I have an "extra" FET-Valve 550 hybrid amp, just didn't realize it ran class A for the first 20 watts??It is a nice sounding amp though it has been modified and the RCA inputs have been changed to balanced inputs. It sounds lovely and airy...... | |
Tired of Problems with Tube Equipment Mitch, that has been my solution for the most part - solid state amps, preferably high-powered and class A, and tube pre-amps. If you really understand tube amps and know how to troubleshoot them, they probably are not a problem at all. |