

Responses from jaymark

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
Pass Labs 250.5 stereo amp....best solid state I h ACC ve heard from a certified tube lover..... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
I have spent decades as a hardcore audiophile.  Have had at least 15 preamps and that number or more amps ranging from solid state, class D, hybrids, and tubes.   I peruse these threads all of the time which is how I found out about Sachs preamp w... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
How do the supratek preamps compare sonically to Don Sachs preamps?  I have a Sachs preamp and it is excellent. 
I need advice for power cords
Cullen cables produce outstanding speaker, power and digital cables.  ICs are strong as well.  Cannot go wrong with his cables..... 
Has anyone else auditioned something that really was terrible?
Mogami speaker cables.  Hands down, the worst piece of stereo equipment I have had the misfortune to audition.... 
What would you buy
A watt is not necessarily a watt for tubes.  They seem to my ears to play well above their rated power..... 
Dipping toes in tube preamp pool!!
Don Sach's tube preamp is phenomenal and costs less than 3K.  I have paired is with a PassLabs X250.5 amplifier and am in audio heaven.  The preamp is great irrespective of cost.  For the money, it is just stupid good. 
Review: Pass Labs X250.5 Amplifier
I just picked up a X250.5 on Audiogon and am driving it with the latest Don Sachs tube preamp.  OMG.  Other components include two heavily modded Dayton subwoofers, a heavily modded pair of Magnepan1.7s, a modded Cambridge transport and Chord DAC.... 
backert vs sachs preamp
Don Sachs preamp is a giant killer.  Their cost relative to their performance is tremendous.  Backer has modded equipment for me and he does good work.  Sachs preamp is for sure cheaper with out of this world performance.   
My “Dream” system needs a preamp
Disregard my prior post.  I am awaiting my Sachs preamp the prior post is my Schilling the Truth preamp commentary.  Sorry for the heat lagged post. 
My “Dream” system needs a preamp
Just put a Sach's preamp into my exercise room system last note.  Holy smokes, it is a terrific preamp.  Clean, clear, spacious with nary a hint of solid state etch or grain.  It's a great preamp period.  For the money, it is stupid good. 
DAC plus Preamp or DAC-Preamp or DAC-Volume Control ?
Mine just arrived.  I put it in my second system and was stunned at the tonal purity, visceral impact, clarity and soundstage.  I typically listen to tube preamps.  This unit does not sound hardly anything like solid state.  Sounds a bit like a we... 
PS Audio PCA-2 Preamplifier - Characteristics?
I have a PCA 2 preamp modified by Doug Jessie in my exercise room two channel system.  Using molded Ampzilla 300 wpc monoblock amps, Silverline speakers,  a modded Aurilac Vega dac and modded Oppo disc player.The PCA 2 preamp is a stellar performe... 
Tube Gear Restoration
Thanks Dill! 
Tube Gear Restoration