Responses from jaymark
Enacom speaker filters I love them on my Talon Korus speakers; they made an immediate and easily noted difference. Much increased smoothness and liquidity. I highly recommed them. | |
dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface Well I got the Scarlatti manual off the internet, read the suggested sections, and fixed the problem I had in about 5 minutes. The DAC is now in sync with the wordclock. BMCgoz your advice was particularly helpful. And, again, thanks to all who of... | |
dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface Thanks so much for all of your input. I will go back and try my best to deal with this incredibly wonderful sounding, yet quite complex, dcs gear.... | |
dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface Chadeffect - I run the signal out from the USB port of the computer into an coverter box that allows me to send the signal to the upsampler with a AES cable. The upsampler is connected to the delius dac with a firewire cable. It is my understandin... | |
Who has found happiness giving up on DACs? No. I found nirvana with a dcs Purcell upsampler and and dcs Delius DAC, both firewire versions, being fed by an iMac computer (my server). I upsample 44.1 to DSD and I am deeply impressed by the sublime, smooth yet detailed, very clean, musically... | |
Who makes a good CD recorder? Agree on the Alesis Masterlink ML 9600. Had mine upgraded by Balanced Power Technology. It is a great CD recorder and a very fine CD player.I am now making CDs on my computer-based system using an iMac with iTunes. Those CDs sound excellent I am n... | |
dcs Delius vs dcs Elgarplus DAC? Wow. You guys are scaring me and my pocketbook. I got the pieces recently on the used Audiogon market. I think for now I will take the advice of Gtfour45 and just enjoy my rig. The key part of this statement, I am sure, is "for now". I listen to m... | |
CDP breaks and I move to computer-based... I have a great iMac set up feeding a dcs purcell upsampler and a dcs delius dac. I had the Ayre C5xemp CD player - a very excellent digital front end with a cavernous sound stage. The computer-based set up I have is better. However, it should be a... | |
The CD Player Lie? Davt, I know how disappointed you are in your hig-powered Kondo gear, especially after it was equaled by Bose. I feel your pain.Shoot me an email, I will gladly take that Kondo junk off your hand for a good low price, lol....... | |
Can Mac/PC compete with High End CDT?? Mapman - it was the lead post in this thread that unnerved me a bit given that I just invested a bing chunk of change in the set-up described and also sold my high dollar CD/SACD player........... | |
Can Mac/PC compete with High End CDT?? This thread is killing me. I just bought a MAC computer, dcs Delius firwire DAC, and a firewire dcs Purcell upsampler to replace a high end single box CD player. Planning on upsampling regular CD to DSD sine that is the bulk of my collection......... | |
Is there a better quality Firewire cable? I did not bring my reading glasses today so pardon the typos in my prior response.Tbg thanks for your response. I will look into the Granite firewire cables...........Apple makes firewire cable. Anyone have experience with Apple or any other brand... | |
Is there a better quality Firewire cable? The physics professor was wrong. I am a scientist as well. If I understood everything that I reliably observed to have occured, I'd never learn anything new. By definition you do not know the mechanisms/explanations behind every solid observation.... | |
Bryston BDA-1 se dac Thanks so much for the additional responses. I will not be using the USB port (which I hear is not so hot). I am going to hook it to a music server. Probably the Music Vault Diamond although the QSonic server seems enticing given the big screen, e... | |
DAC for Music Vault Diamond Server? What about the Q-Sonic server versus the Music Vault Diamond?? Anyone able to give info on either or better yet compare them?Thanks. |