Responses from jaymark
Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts? Consider the Musician Pegasus R2R dac. I just hooked mine up in my exercise room system today and even straight out of the box, it sounds superb. Very clean, clear, dimensional with great presence and impact. All for 1100 bucks. | |
SPL: Reference level performance, German build quality, and innovative designs Just ordered the SPL Elector preamp. Can't wait to listen.... | |
Pass X150.5 or Odyssey Stratos monos? Just got a Pass Labs X-150.5 for under 2500 dollars. I have Pass Labs X-250.5 driving Audio Physic Virgos. The amp is fed by a heavily modded Air Tight Tube preamp fed by a Asi Teknology mid-level mod to a Cambridge 841 CD player. The sound of ... | |
Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks Anybody heard the Audio Classics 9B tube amp that is built by VAC? | |
Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks Preamplifier is the latest Don Sachs tube preamp.... | |
Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks Likely speakers: Decware Turningpoint HR-1, Decware DNA, Spatial Audio M5 Sapphire, or possibly Tekton Open Baffle speakers. | |
Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks Thanks Tvad! I checked out Aric Audio's website and like his product design and price structure. | |
Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks Thanks articdeth! | |
Room Treatment, Panel Sound Diffusers Again, thanks for the suggestions, vendor recommendations, and overall advice. Much appreciated. | |
Room Treatment, Panel Sound Diffusers Many thanks for the replies! I did get one message questioning why I just didn't do a Google search for acoustic panels..... | |
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab I have the Revel F208s. They have been modded significantly. The have been driven by Parasound JC1 monoblocks and Canary 140 wpc monoblock tube amps. Prior to breakin the tube amplifier did not spank them and make them sing like the parasound m... | |
Power Conditioner I use the Isotek Evo Aquarius conditioner. I plug both Canary monoblock tube preamps into it as well as my other equipment except for the transport and dac which run off battery power. It is in no way current limiting to my ears. The system sou... | |
Hola Audio Springs DAC repair I was finally contacted by the company! Bravo. It just took a lot longer than their disclaimer said t would.I was using RCA analog outs to RCA in on the preamp. Not sure what blanched is?There are no volume controls on this dac. Maybe there is a... | |
Hola Audio Springs DAC repair Thanks. I will pursue your suggestions. | |
Hola Audio Springs DAC repair To be clear, I purchased the dac used on Audiogon not directly from Holo Audio. |