

Responses from jaymark

GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@tvad thanks for the amp recommendations. I will check those amps out.  Do u have Spatial X5 speakers?    
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I really like the Voyager GAN but after switching in the Ampzilla monoblocks, i realized its leaner tonality.  It is obviously not a wpc issue cause the Ampzilla is only 200 wpc.  I plan on keeping it, at least for now.    
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
I am in the market for a new amp for my reference system. I had LSA Voyager GAN 350 wpc class D amp in there for a good while. Lovely amp with crystalline extended highs and a beautiful midrange. However, to my ears, the midbass presence and meat ... 
Canary Audio Preamps Any Good?
Canary makes fine sounding tube preamps. I own their 4 box monoblock preamp.  
Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes.
I love tube preamps.  I have in play now both tube and solid state.   Audio GD, Don Sachs and Supratek all make fine sounding tube preamps.  The Black Ice hybrid preamp is really good - especially if u replace the stock TungSol tube with a Linlai ... 
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?
I vote for Zavfino and Grover Huffman cables.  Both make a full spread of power, interconnect and speaker cables.  I have Cullen Cables as well and those cables were very solid.  I did though hear that Patrick Cullen is no longer an independent op... 
A Grounding Cable Question for those who know and own this addtion to their system.....
I now have a higher level GutWire grounding cable in my reference system and am even more impressed than I was with their entry level grounding cable.  It won't be coming out of my rig....  
Flexible Carbon/Graphene Analog
I am using their carbon/graphene digital cable am am quite impressed.  
Clayton Shaw (Spatial Audio) visits Danny Richie (GR Research), with his X4 loudspeaker.
I have the Spatial X5s in my reference system.  They are superb speakers with an expansive, clean/pristine soundscape with nice energy.  I love these speakers.  Do they have a downside?  Well yes, they take forever to break in with the bottom end ... 
@cd45123 I just have the Pharoah speaker cables. I have the Zavfino Silver Dart graphene interconnects. This combination sounds intoxicatingly clean, spacious, detailed with just the right amount of liquidity.  
A Grounding Cable Question for those who know and own this addtion to their system.....
I have an entry level GutWire grounding cable and was stunned at the improvement it brought to my system - added to the crystalline quality, blacker background, lower noise floor, etc.  It was very easy to hear these differences.  
GaN amps: Peachtree or LSA Voyager?
I don't know if they got a bad amp - quality control issue?  However, my Voyager GAN modded by @ricevs sounds freaking awesome across the frequency band.  Highs and mids are pristine and crystalline clear.  Lows are nice.  I don't give a sheet how... 
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
Put a Linlai tube in my Black Ice hybrid preamp in place of the stock TungSol. No contest. The thinness of the stock 6SN7 is gone. It has been replaced with body and vibrant tone colors. Very nice upgrade for my preamp.  
Looking to replace a CD transport...
Project DS2 is a slot loader under 1K.  I have two of them and would rate their sonics as excellent.    
Are AI Equipment Reviews on the Horizon?
When a computer gets ears and a brain, I will read an AI audio review.  Until then I will trust my ears and to a lesser degree selected ears of others.