Responses from jaymark
Inexpensive speaker cables: any experience? Not sure what your definition of inexpensive is. However, I will offer up some suggestions: 1) Zavfino Prima....., 2) Grover Huffman Pharoah cables, and 3) Cullen silver/copper cables. The good thing about the contemporary audio scene is the u... | |
Tonality of Jay's Transport? @stuartk @Nonoise I try and describe what my ears hear and my brain prefers with an accurate characterization as to why I prefer a certain audio presentation. I also prefer to stay away from some of the toxic interchanges that occur in this for... | |
Tonality of Jay's Transport? I have both. Jay's for sure is built like a tank compared to the Project. In my reference though they sound different, the choice of which one u like will boil down to personal preference. In my best system, I like the Jay's a bit better. It g... | |
peachtree gan 400 is very good At some point I might pick up the Peachtree GAN amplifier. The LSA Voyager GAN sounds to me like the love child of a high caliber contemporary tube amp and excellent class A solid state amp - minus the balls to the wall low end. I either hated o... | |
Warning for Revel lovers Rough story. Now u could of bought my heavenly sounding modded Revel F208s that my Spatial X5s have replaced.... | |
Has anyone tried the Deulund-Mundorf Ultra Speaker Purifiers? Got them and love them.... | |
Recommendation for Digital Coax My vote is for Cullen Cable... | |
Duelund/Mundorf Ultra Loudspeaker Purifiers I got mine from Audioman for use on my Spatial X5s. They do everything promised. This tweak for sure works in my system. | |
Cullen Cable His digital cables are real winners IMO. I have his speaker cables, interconnects and power cords as well. Excellent performers. | |
Townshend Audio F1 Fractal Speaker Cables I run the Townshend super tweeter with my Spatial X5s and I can fully vouch for the improved sonics with them. They did the same for my Revel F208s. Clearly, it is not just the high frequencies that are improved. | |
Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs) LSA Voyager GAN 350 wpc class D is a kick ass amplifier. I have had multiple highly regarded class A amps and tube amps. Not yet heard other GAN class D amps.. | |
Maggie 1.7i's lack detail. Ideas? I have a pair. The crossovers in them are made of cheap low quality parts. I had my crossovers rebuilt with high quality identical spec parts and they improved dramatically. Detail was quite good post mod. | |
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording? My Spatial X5s throw a wide and deep soundscape that does not localize to the speakers. Every recording ? Not sure but on most recordings that is what I hear. | |
Does anyone have any experience with the LSA VT70? Thoughts, comparisons?? I have the tubed Audio GD preamp. Lovely sound. Stellar preamp IMO. I also have the Voyager GAN amp. Terrific amplifier that does have great clarity and a tubelike mid/high frequency presentation. I have PassLabs, JC1 monoblocks, Canary Tube... | |
Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions? I have this preamp well. It is a strong performer for very little money. It is not in play right now but, for sure, it is a helluva preamp. |