Responses from jaymark
Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper I personally prefer to sonic signature of solid core OCC copper. | |
What's been your experience with New Chinese 6SN7 tube options? Running Linlai 6SN7 tubes in my Supratek preamp. This tube runs circles around the stock tube. Also put this tube in my Black Ice hybrid preamp. The Linlai is a stellar tube. | |
Class D with high efficiency speakers I ran the LSA Voyager GAN class D amp into Spatial X3 high efficiency speakers. This pairing sounded great. The top end extension may be a tad better than the superb Coda#16 class A amp that replaced it. However, the midbass and low end was not... | |
CHORD Hugo TT2 vs TEAC NT-505 + TEAC CG-10M Master Clock @Gianluca I have a highly resolving system so I just hooked it up and let my ears and brain make the determination. | |
CHORD Hugo TT2 vs TEAC NT-505 + TEAC CG-10M Master Clock Just got the CG-10M masterclock to go with my modded Teac NT-505. It is an easily noticeable improvement in liquidity, focus, and overall coherence. I read a review of the masterclock before I had it hooked up. The review basically called it snake... | |
Speaker cable recommendations Grover Huffman Pharoah speaker cables are in my reference system. They are stellar performers. Interestingly, I have never seen these cables on his website. Grover recommended them to me in a conversation we had. | |
Supratek..Cabernet 6SN7 or Cabernet DHT I like the 6SN7 clearly over the 300B output. The stock 6SN7 tubes are ok but the Linlai tubes are a huge upgrade. Definitely smoother, noticeably better low end and just more overall coherence. The preamp is paired with a Coda #16 sold state c... | |
Which mono power amp would you choose and why? @yyzsantabarbara the Coda sounds just as powerful as other amps that I have or have had. The 150 wpc with 100 of them in Class A leave me wanting for nothing. | |
CD transports I hope u don't need service from Pro-ject. They have been unresponsive to multiple emails and phone messages. This leaves me with two of their CD transports that are non-functional. Very, very surprising. I won't buy anything else made by them... | |
No love for Legacy Audio I went and listened to them in Springfield, IL with my own CD with some of my favorite tracks. Quality speaker, nice sound but not my cup of tea. | |
Any Coda owners out there? I have an unmodded Coda #16 amplifier in my reference system. I am most pleased with the sound. Powerful, dynamic, crystalline, and spacious. The downside is that, like my Pass Labs amps, they are 110# so u risk herniation your lumbar spine eve... | |
Which mono power amp would you choose and why? I have a pair of Ampzilla 200 wpc monoblocks in my exercise room system. They have of course been modded by Doug Jesse of ASi Teknology and sound sublime. These occasionally show up on the used market. I have also a pair of JC1 monoblocks that hav... | |
Best Amps for Magneplanar 1.7i Speakers Agree with rebuilding the crossover. It is unadulterated junk. Asi Teknology rebuilt mine and put the crossover in an external box. Tremendous upgrade. I also ran Canary monoblock tube amplifiers on them and they sounded great. Tube power was 14... | |
Ditching Class A Amps due to Heat - Sort of a Poll Coda Continuum #16 amp runs slightly warm but nowhere near hot. I buy my amps based on my ears. I still think the best Class D GAN Fet amp that I have listened to is probably a touch better on the top end but clearly not as hefty on the bottom end... | |
Looking for preamp recommendation I have very effectively paired a Supratek as well as a Don Sachs tube preamp with a PassLabs X250.5 amp. Right now I am listening to this amp being driven by a solid state SPL Elector preamp and hearing glorious sound. |