

Responses from jaymark

GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I have a good size basement room. Probably 20 feet wide and close to 25 feet long.  The Spatial X5s are about 97 db sensitive.  The sound I am getting fills the room.  For sure there is no sense of needing more power.  Not in the ... 
Spatial X5 speakers
The Coda Continuum #16 amp sounds sublime driving the Spatial X5s.   
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
The Codas #16 driven by the tubed Audio GD preamp, Jay's Audio CD transport,  a modded Holo Audio DAC, Zavfino top end ICs, Grover Huffman Pharoah speaker cable and Spatial X5 speakers.  I have an Audio Helen Titan between the transport and DAC.  ... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I have not listened with my ear close to the tweeter.  However, paired with a modded PassLabs X250.5, it sounds serene.  This combo is at our lakehouse so I can't run downstairs and listen.  The SPL Ekector is an excellent soundin... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I think my ears are similar to yours. I like the sound of Class A across the frequency spectrum. Frankly, the modded LSA Voyager is more extended and crystal clear on the top end than my modded Pass Labs X150.5 and X250.5. However... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@lancelock are u really going to sell your Coda 16?  Damn.  Hit me up if u are looking for a buyer. @gladmo I actually have the SPL Elector preamp in one of my four two channel systems.  Never heard the amp but man the preamp is one helluva clean... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I did not realize that u could run two preamps.  Thanks for thr info.  
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@yyzsantabarbara I am going to go with the 16 and skip the 8.  Will sell the modded Voyager GAN and call it a day.  
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
@lancelock maybe my fixation on the Coda #16's size and weight was perhaps looking for a reason to move on to the #8.  However, my wife grudgingly gave me the green light to spring for the Coda #16.  So, 110# be damned, I will be getting the 16.    
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@johngp I did not realize until I looked up the weight on my PassLabs X250.5 that it is virtually the same weight as the Coda 16. So, I can grudgingly manage the weight and size. I have been torn between the 8 and 16. My audiophile disease is so b... 
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
@lancelock how do u park the Coda 16 ? Move it around? It seems like it is a monster size/weight wise. Well, the question is moot cause the X250.5 weighs 110#.  I should be able to handle it.  Now, the price tag....  
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
I am debating the 8 vs the 16.  I am curious how my fellow audiophiles park an amp as big and heavy as the 16.  Just get a couple of young strong kids to lift it and set in a spot not to be disturbed?  Set it on a stand with wheels that lock?  I h... 
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@twoleftears I actually heard that combo and later talked to Clayton who was there.  Actually, I did not like the sound of that combination.  
Review on Coda Technologies 16 Amplifier went live today
Damn the Coda #16 seems awfully enticing....  
GREAT NEWS! The Coda Technology new #16 amplifier will arrive this week
@tvad thanks for the amp recommendations. I will check those amps out.  Do u have Spatial X5 speakers?