
Responses from jax2

I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
But you're gonna have to make room for your green slant-headed pal, because I was called a douche bag too! That does it! I know Gunbei, and you sir ar no Gunbei! And Gunbei is no douchebag. He's Gumby, DAMMIT! Marco 
Any one heard "The Five Browns"?
I flushed five browns this morning. I didn't hear them making much noise over the toilet flushing.Marco 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Hey, I got a lovely email from the husband of the Swedish lady myself! Said the same thing as he did to ol' Gumby, but added that I was a "Douchebag" (how ever did he know?!). Guess he couldn't think of anything more original to say. Definitely no... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
The candy may taste sweet, but you've gotta pick it up from the floor when ol' Goombah drops it casually, with that innocent expression on his sloped face. I'm tellin' you now, don't bend down to pick up the candy. Make haste outta' here while you... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
You see GristledPorkchop; and you thought Rsbeck was rude?! You ain't seen nuthin' till you incite the wrath of the green man! You wanna' end up like the poor pony? Just keep on creating more threads about the same subject and pointing your bony f... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
I can deal with being thought of as inapproproate. What could be more appropriate than a green clay live action cartoon figure that moonlights as a Photoshop master?! It's what you do to that poor pony, Pokey that is inapproriate! But he ain't tal... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
The best way to figure this one out is to audition the cables in question in your own system, your own room, and most important with your own ears. I believe The Cable Company offers trial periods on their products where all you'd need is a credit... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Jax2 you a right in a way.Well, since I was just stating my opinion it really isn't a matter of being right or wrong. It's just my opinion. But i also asked for a cable not being warm. Isnt that an easy q to answer ? No, it is not an easy question... 
I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me
Rsbeck you are a rude person ! I did not find his comments "rude" in any way at all. They may have been pointed, but they were quite astute and to the point IMO, and actually, you may find them to be quite helpful in subsequent responses if you ge... 
HELP Which wall of new room to put system on?
I've had to contend with sloping ceilings in both my systems (work and home). I'm currently struggling with the same question at home and am inclined to offer up my experience so far, to see if it may help, and to see if I can get any advice of my... 
m-audio firewire 410 sound quality?
The Apogee mini-dac seems to get great reviews, but I don't need the dac and there's no way I'm paying $1000 for a digital out.Just a correction, and perhaps it is a misuse of vocabulary on your part: The Apogee unit is not a digital out. It is an... 
Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used
If you are after a holographic soundstage, IMO you are barking up the wrong tree to focus on speakers. The Plinius is not goin to yield that no matter what speeakers you pair off with it. I would recommend you go out an listen to a few tube-based ... 
Best intergrated amp for under $2000
On the integrated amp list, ad the Portal Panache. Speakers...Soliloquy and Silverline are both outstanding and versatile choices for the wide range of music you enjoy. You can find plenty of reviews and real-world opinions on any of these compone... 
Jolida 302B audible hum
First change either the fridge or the amp to a different circuit. If that doesn't work, try floating the ground - You'd just need one of those .99 cent cheater plugs that allow you to plug in a three-prong plug, while only having two prongs to plu... 
Best Neil Young Album?
The best damn Neil Young album is the one I don't ever have to listen to! Marco