

Responses from jastralfu

Favorite Eagle
@mtbiker29 if you also include the James Gang with all of his solo work there is a lot there to admire imho.  
Acoustically Treating a Bomb Shelter
+1 on taking measurements with some software like REW and a mic like miniDSP Umik-1 that will work with that software. This way you’ll know where you are starting and can sort out the right issues instead of just putting things up on walls and cei... 
Favorite Eagle
Take It To The Limit is a good tune for sure.  
Favorite Eagle
@rpeluso i don’t listen much to them anymore either.  I was thinking more along the lines of Joe Walsh’s solo work and his work with the James Gang.  I think discussin title isn’t what I was after.  I’m asking more along the lines of which Eagle h... 
Pink Floyd Aficionados
Where in the track is it?  I’m listening on headphones and can’t seem to find it.  
Favorite Eagle
I like them as well!  
Favorite Eagle
@jeffrey125 i anticipated that response.  Also valid.  
Favorite Eagle
 By the way “The Eagles suck” is a perfectly valid response if you don’t care for any of them.  
Warm vs Revealing—the struggle for balance
@mapman  Fair enough. I misunderstood your post!  Reading for comprehension escapes me sometimes.  
Warm vs Revealing—the struggle for balance
@mapman  Where would Monet have ended up if resolution and detail were his goal rather than abstract impressions? Early Manet.  And if you prefer Realism, or something other than Impressionism, Monet wouldn’t be your guy.  This isn’t really a ... 
Integrated Question
I’ve never owned or heard any Totem speakers but some internet sleuthing seems to show that, according to the manufacturer, the speakers have a minimum  impedance of 6 ohms.  That doesn’t seem to be a hard speaker to drive.  The trouble shooting g... 
Tune of the Day
"Time Out Of Mind" Steely Dan  
Costliest Brainfart
@ghdprentice  I had my concerns about it but I suppose was arrogant enough to believe it wouldn't happen.  The roof rack came off after that.  I transported the new one in the back of my hatchback till I bought a tow hitch mounted carrier.  It's ... 
What happen to MQA on Tidal?
My understanding is that the quality levels are low high and max.  Max will be either mqa or flac depending on the version Tidal has.  Eventually, all mqa will be replaced by flac.  When playing tracks that are max you will not know whether they a... 
Costliest Brainfart
Not an audio related brain fart but I did drive into my parking garage with my $5000 mountain bike still in the roof rack.  Needless to say it got binned.  It was not a good day.  That said, I had a great ride for my, unbeknownst to me, last ride ...