

Responses from jasonbourne71

High end speakers at low volume
Don't forget the latest Quad ESL's! They excel at low-level listening! Once heard they make quite an impression for sheer naturalness!  
low frequencies
Yes, place both speakers against the wall. This offers the best and most even bass. It is called the Allison effect.   
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
Agon member vonhelmholtz didn't like the Audiolab 6000CDT, while member creativepart did. Two subjective impressions based upon how a particular transport sounded in two dissimilar systems. Not good enough to stand up in a court of law!  
Interesting AMP GTG Results.
An old thread - but it illustrates the problem of amp  comparisons done without careful level matching. Ad hoc conclusions mean little!  
Will Vincent ST-70 Tube Amp
Will built me a SET 45 amp on a Dynaco chassis that is superb! Beautiful gloss white powder coat finish, two C6C pentodes to drive the pair of 45's and a 5V4 rectifier. A first-rate SE DHT amp!  
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu?
The Moody Blues "Legend of a Mind"! Timothy Leary's dead! No he's not! He's outside looking in! Clear Light blotter will do the trick!  
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
I well remember back about thirty years ago when the golden-ear crowd was gaga over the CEC belt-drive transport! Anybody ever see one of those lately? Didn’t think so! How about the Theta transport praised by TAS that was actually a $200 DVD play... 
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
@magnuman : I've been at this stuff a lot longer than you! Heck, if I thought spending four-figures on a transport would give me better sound I'd for sure do it! The digital world is totally unlike Analog - where structural integrity, mechanical p... 
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
The Shanling can only play CDs. The HD841 can play SACDs and DVD Audio (PCM) discs. Sure, the Shanling can read Hi-Rez files via USB but those would most likely already be on a computer.  
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
@secretguy : If someone wants to blow a wad of cash and drool over a CNC-machined-out-of-billet aluminum transport go right ahead!  
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
I already have on hand a Denon, a JVC and two Sony's (DVD and Blue Ray) players for use as transports. After an Agon member recommended the HD841 I went looking for one on eBay. I expect it will do fine!  
New, Very Interesting CD Transport
Why waste money? I just ordered from eBay a Samsung DVD-HD841 to use as a transport. $16 including shipping and tax! All CD/DVD players have to conform to protocol and output the same digital bits! That's the difference between a digital device (t... 
Steve Guttenberg finally reviews the Eminent Technology LFT-8b loudspeaker.
@magnuman : the Linkwitz tri-amped open baffle speaker may have the best 3-D imaging of any dynamic system. I doubt that any Monitor Audio speaker can compare.  
Sony ss mb350h or Sony ss B3000?
Buy the pair with the bigger woofers!  
So, I Got To See A Real Cool Show Last Week; A Review:
Recently purchased the Claypool-Lennon Band's Monolith of Phobos CD. Real cool music here!