

Responses from jasonbourne71

Seeking Honest Opinions: Your Experience with McIntosh Audio Gear
Back in the late Seventies when the small manufacturers/underground hifi was taking off McIntosh was considered stuff for the Carriage Trade! Pretty much still is!  
Seeking Honest Opinions: Your Experience with McIntosh Audio Gear
I sold my C28 preamp. I am keeping my ARC SP6!  
vibration control - cd player
Heck, just put a brick atop of it!  
Cornwall iv
My experience with Cornwall's goes back to the late 1970's. The local hifi store had a pair owned by an employee set up in one of the soundrooms. Compared to the Snell Type A's in the other soundroom the Cornwall's sounded irritatingly bad! Nobody... 
Using a streamer to DAC to power amp, should I insert an integrated
Keep the Rotel. Changing to the Audiolab is a sideways move.   
Thinking about switching cartridges.
I always prefer a tonearm with a removable headshell so that changing cartridges is easy.   
Thinking about switching cartridges.
A sideways move unless there is something about the sound of the Aphelion you don't like. Does that tonearm have a removable headshell? If so, then buy the Hana cartridge so you can alternate listening between the two cartridges.  
Finally...subwoofer that's aesthetically pleasing!
@erik_squires : I have Snell Type A’s. Original price was like $1390. I bought them from the original owner after his passing. He bought them from the Connecticut audio store I worked for. I paid $500 + $400 USPS to ship the A’s in four boxes to F... 
Accuphase, fuses
Fuses having ’directionality’? You’ve gotta be nuts! The idea that a fuse - of whatever color - can alter the tonality of a component is bonkers and magical thinking!   
Best Covers
Satisfaction by Blue Cheer on Outsideinside (1968).  Listened to it yesterday on CD.  
question of soundstage
The Sugden has greater channel separation compared to your tube amp.  
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
@willywonka : At last a sane voice among the nut cases!​​  
Shunyata Venom RCA vs Bluesound Node 2i stock rca
Are you sure you heard a difference? Did you do some blind trials? Sighted listening does not count because seeing the object under test leads to biased judgements.  
Wayne Kramer of the MC5 Passed Away
Sorry to hear of the passing of Wayne Kramer. Kick Out the Jams was such a seminal proto-punk album from 1969!   
Best Covers
Pink Floyd's The Nile Song from the More film soundtrack performed by Voivod on Angel Rat.