

Responses from jasonbourne71

if you had this system, what would you do to make it sound the best you can
Speakers make the biggest bang-for-the-buck! I will recommend a pair of the latest Quad ESL's. Your electronics gear is fine. The stock power cords are fine. The interconnects are fine. Others here will disagree with my views about cables/speaker ... 
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
There is a nice TechDAS Air Force One TT here on Audiogon. $74K marked down from $169K. Now that's what I call a High End bargain!  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
There are at present living in the USA about a thousand billionaires. The High End business caters to that social class.   
Getting into vinyl for the first time
An excellent low-price phono stage is the Schiit Mani 2 for $160. Michael Fremer gave it a very positive review, praising its versatility in handling both MM and MC cartridges.  
Is there any fan of Mettalica here?
Death Magnetic was the focus of a NY Times article about the Loudness Wars in present day pop/rock music. A dynamic range of 3 db! I had the CD and found it sounded awful. Of course most death/black metal/thrash over the past few decades sounds eq... 
Is there any fan of Mettalica here?
I  started paying attention to Metallica after reading the NY Village Voice review of MOP back in 1984. It was several years before I found the Elektra LP at my local Goodwill for $3. I already had the CD and did a comparison. I noticed an irritat... 
Component contributions to “sound stage”
@livingwellinco : "The soundstage is unreal." Really, man!   
Component contributions to “sound stage”
@michaellent +1! You hit the nail on the head! Soundstage is in the source! Pop/Rock recordings made by multi-tracking in a studio are nothing like a well-miked symphony orchestra where the recording engineer attempts to capture the spaciousness a... 
Moon 110LP V2 replacement Power Supply.
Show us some close up pictures of the back where the plug fits. Also a picture of the plug end on the cable from the power supply.   
A listening test of two power amps
All amps of low distortion, low output impedance and flat response will sound indistinguishable operated below clipping. Decades ago Peter Walker of Quad did a test using RTR tape copies of classical master tapes between two Quad amps - a transist... 
Anti-Skat on the EAT F-Note Tonearm
Anti-skate applies an OUTWARD force to counter the inward skating force of pivoted arms. It varies with position and groove modulation. All anti-skate mechanisms are just bandaids. My FR 29 and FR 54 arms have no anti-skate and sound fine!  
TAS. The Absolute Sound?
At least Stereophile has John Atkinson's measurements while TAS is just "my golden ears" tell me it is so. I called out Michael Fremer on Facebook for touting a $6K power cord.  
McIntosh MC275 vs Dynaco ST70
@viridian : You sir are correct! I said 6GH8 because I couldn't pull the correct 7199 out of memory. Either will work on that input/driver board, with some re-wiring for the different pin-outs.  
McIntosh MC275 vs Dynaco ST70
More fun to be had modding the input/driver board on the ST70! I have one like that with upgraded caps and three dual triodes in place of the two 6GH8's.   
Excellent interview with Mark Levinson
I'd like to have a C - Wave module that a DAC can plug into! At an affordable price of course!