

Responses from jafreeman

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Mark (Whitestix), I also apologize to you for my criticisms.  I've been a bit on edge with some of the content on this otherwise helpful thread. You have the makings of a fine system.  Best Wishes, Joe   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Whitestix, no back-and-forth rock throwing. My posts here have to do with protecting this constructive thread against those who seek to ridicule those of us who use upscale fuses.  I asked you to list your system. Perhaps that would explain your l... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Among the pantheon of tweaks, I am highly skeptical of room treatments such as the stick-on chips, blocks, pebbles, discs, boxes and tiny bowls.  The idea guys had to go SOMEWHERE with their products though, and since the under-component market wa... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
To recap Whitestix:  Many of us are paranoid and insecure. We are somehow guilted into trying foolish tweaks. Break in is laughable (we are all stupid). Better fuses are illogical if we just think about it (we act on emotions, not logic).  Well, t... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Yes--happy customers should be what matters most in this hobby of being made happy by dramatically presented music.  Everyone should get what he or she wants from the audio industry and marketplace--what else would be the point?  Geoffkait, your p... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Markalarsen, I have had nothing BUT luck with all of the fuse brands I have installed in 3.6R's.  SR Blacks yet to come........ 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Love "Seventh Sojourn", have all seven on MoFi Gold, but like the latest issue, overseen by Justin Hayward.  Now playing: Dave Valentin's "Tropic Heat" on Grusin/Rosen Productions, one of the first labels to commit to all digital recordings in the... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
By the way, Geoffkait--in looking at your MD site, I presume your intent is to amuse and educate audiophiles. I appreciate your inventiveness and humor. Just wondering though--if I were to add your teleportation tweak or the intelligent chips to m... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I have seven SR reds in my system that were placed in three phases, each of which sounded so right, I have not felt a need to flip them.  I would discount directionality on the reds in favor of a long break in period.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Al, thanks for an understandable comparison of how fuses interact differently according to their applications.  I will stay close to the stock ratings in my mains fuses and will continue to push the ratings in my Maggies as I move from SR reds to ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Al, I have a question, if I may---you recently suggested a fuse experiment whereby a garden-variety fuse could be temporarily replaced with the same fuse, but with a much higher amperage value so as to reduce resistance as the variable in sound qu... 
Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power Cords.
For those who can afford them, best of luck with the SR power cords.  They are out of my priority/price range, but I do look forward to going from SR Reds to Blacks.  Keep the updates on the cords coming.  
Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power Cords.
Are these the 3K cords? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
It's ok, Roguemodel, you are new to the site.  This is not a fuse-bashing thread--it's for folks who are sharing the positive results of after-market fuses so that others may try them with confidence. This is how the forum is used to help one anot... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Yes, I no longer have fuse protection in my Maggies--I have been more interested in better sound, so went with the better fuses, then the bigger fuses, thinking bigger is better sounding yet.  I will be moving from SR Reds to blacks in my Maggies-...