

Responses from jafreeman

Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
Can you elaborate on this lack of reality, Schubert? If you are referring to our consumerism, yes, we are the world's largest consumer economy.  We are constantly bombarded with ads to buy everything, and we do buy and buy.  We are told we always ... 
Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists
If you are thinking about being gullible regarding fuses, cables, cords, etc, no.  I haven't felt as if I have been deceived on any of these items--they have all worked to improve the sound. I am skeptical of the magic dots and stickers, though.  ... 
So many variables with audio
Best to not make too many changes---just take and old cold tater and wait..... 
Hearing loss and audio reviewers ? READ ON
Good topic--very important for older audiophiles to eliminate fatiguing distortion from their audio chain. Clarity of sound improves sensory interpretation of sound. I do believe in the idea that more music listening improves perception of sound, ... 
Why I prefer gear that is made domestically
It's ARC and Magnepan all the way for me--AVA for you--all good for MN.  
Cork floors?
dpe, I would keep a wood floor and put the cork, or something like it, on the walls.  Try a cheap rug in the center of the floor.  Not sure cork would stand up to dogs--or urine.   
Why I prefer gear that is made domestically
Schubert, you also live about 30 minutes from Audio Research.  No plastic binding posts over there, and I've delivered and picked up my amps for mod at their loading dock.  (Been down that other road you mentioned--not such a bargain, IMO).   
Is it possible to have to many tweeks in your system
Yes, the tweakophile is in all of us and is doing quite well.  Can someone attest to the over-tweaked system?   
Would you buy from a firm that has a policy about not accepting phone calls
A small operation that doesn't take calls has probably learned they cannot conduct their business because of endless, unanswerable questions about which plug or cable will work best with an amp.  The owner would rather field questions via email, w... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
My compliments to all of you here who have provided one of the most informative empirical discussions on the effects of different fuse brands on your listening enjoyment.  These reports help anyone who is looking to reach that next plateau of soun... 
What Color is your system
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
In my Maggie 3.6Rs, I have used HiFi Tuning's silver and then gold, have used Furutech's rhodium plated, have used SR 20's.  The Furutechs beat the HiFi Tuning by a lot, the SR 20's beat the Furutechs by a little.  Now, I have the SR Reds installe... 
Your Best Tweak Lately
Oregonpapa, thanks for your testimony on the SR Red in a component.  It's not easy to believe these things until tried--glad you did.   
Rock with strings
Most anything by Al Stewart should satisfy your need for a more refined rock sound, including orchestration and acoustic guitar, not to mention many lyrics based on historical events. 
Shipping damage becoming a real issue
Nothing is safe--your carton will be thrown, gaff hooked, dropped, rolled, booted, gored--a heavy-duty outer box containing the factory carton is mandatory and should be insisted upon. A box that was new when sent arrives looking like it's 20 year...