

Responses from jafreeman

Richard Gray's Power Company 400S, two stories.
Jim, with the 400S units, just plug your low-wattage pieces into them--CD, pre-amp, DVD, phono, DAC.  Subs and amps go to wall. The 400 does not pass enough current for amps--need a bigger transformer for those--or the wall.   
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Yes, thanks for the listings, Papa. I heard them all on Youtube and have ordered two by Cal Tjader and a few by "Modern Jazz Quartet", not on you list, but I'm sure you will approve.  I like those vibes.  I think that Rick Braun CD would sound jus... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Alright, my thanks for listening to Rick Braun and band--not the acoustic ensemble of the golden era--but likable.  How about "Fourplay" with Bob James?  Just like to know how the cool/smooth jazz of today rates with the purists.      
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
That old bebop is good, alright--pull up Rick Braun’s, "Sessions Volume 1" on Youtube for some of the hippest cool jazz in this time, please. Just let it play and tell me if you dig it, Papa, Charles, Jond, et al.  
Help! My system is very bright it hurts my ear
Fatgosil, did you say your room is 20' X 60' with 20' ceilings and bare walls and floors?  Wow--your room is an echo chamber.  Can you partition off a smaller listening area?   
Bruce Cockburn - dancing in the dragons claws great listen!
Fabulous sound, including "Humans" 
Is Maggie 20.1 still overall better than 3.7?
REL subs integrate perfectly and lift Maggies in sound stage and dynamics--i use two Strata III's. Older, but a nice size for the 3 series.  
Is Maggie 20.1 still overall better than 3.7?
Hasse, by all means, try the SR fuses, and skip the reds and go with the SR blacks.  I'm going to go from red to black.  I also push the amperage values quite a bit--double.    
Is Maggie 20.1 still overall better than 3.7?
The 3.7 is more coherent with slightly better mid bass slam, more articulate but sounds a bit leaner than the 3.6. I sometimes miss the fuller lows.Thanks, Hasse--do you use any of the tweaks I listed?   
Help with system/ARC noise
Yes, the PS Audio regenerators appear to be very nice sources, although a bit spendy compared to the other brands that will supply more power than the PS10. See if you can first place a dedicated, 20A line, which will supply 2400W, but that is onl... 
Help with system/ARC noise
I'm not sure why you are hearing a popping. A concern, though, is your power demands vs your power supply. If you are using a typical 15A circuit that runs to several receptacles in your listening room, you are probably underpowered for that big a... 
Is Maggie 20.1 still overall better than 3.7?
Interesting--I like my 3.6R's with the Mye stands, Cardas jumpers and SR Red fuses. I would put them up against stock 3.7i's.  Maybe.....any more opinions on the two? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Al, what you need is a tweak intervention, whereby the principals of this thread would descend on your house with a bag full of cords, cables and fuses and transform your system. For his sins, GK would be made to dance, chant and shake rattles. Wh... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Al, are the fuse claims and explanations as much hypotheses as they are empirically driven--that is, a decision based on experience and without further evidence?  Those of us without your background are basing our fuse upgrading on experience rath... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Grannyring, thanks for your common-sense explanation. Improving a cheap fuse link is as valid as using purer copper in a hook-up, cord or cable.   Wolf, I think you just enjoy disagreeing--very funny stuff.  Was I even close on the "Dire" and Jerr...