
Responses from jafox

What needs to go?
Hello,I use the B&K 50 in my HT system and it does mighty well. It does not have the magical 3-dimensioanlity of my BAT 31SE, but then again, what SS preamp does? The 50 is not at all fatiguing, but has a subtractive nature to it which is very... 
audio research sp-10
Hey Hey Synthgirl,If you have not had much success to find tubes, perhaps you can call Michael Elliot, the designer of Counterpoint gear. Go to www.altavistaaudio.com and click on "Replacement Tubes" on the left side of the page. Then scroll down ... 
which auduo research pre?
I can't believe all the praise on the LS2xxx. There are enough people who have owned this, and even upgraded it, paid a lot of money for all this only to learn that a stock LS5 in any version destroys the LS2. Without having heard direct compariso... 
audio research sp-10
Wow! I think synthgirl is absorbing a lot of ideas here is a very short time. It was never my intention to put any negative spin on the SP-10. Afterall I owned it for 8 years so that has to tell you how much I liked this product. I was only trying... 
audio research sp-10
Newbee, I never made the effort to try other tubes in the SP-10 like you have. This perhaps would have helped a little with the 10's line stage performance, but the RAM tubes worked so well for me in the phono stage. I must have been a lucky custo... 
audio research sp-10
Hello,I owned the SP-10 for 8 years (1987-1995) and for phono playback, even with the rolled off frequency extremes, a noise floor a bit too high, and mediocre resolution, it was a most incredibly musical component. It took me many years to find s... 
I agree with Btstrg's point here and yet just a simple response, "abc is better", is just as worthless. The word "better" is relative to all of us anyway. Rather than use this, it would be nice if members here would explain what it is they preferr... 
B&W 802 N or Magnepan 3.6 ?
Long time Magnepan fan here and current owner of the 3.5s. But I heard the N802s at a dealer a year ago and this was one of the most impressive (read synergy) systems I have heard in a long time. The dealer really had put much effort to get this s... 
Velodyne ULD-15 II sub performance
Very interesting webpage Alrau1. I can relate to this as I always start with a sound pressure level meter to match all the speakers with test tones when I reposition the speakers. I do this at fairly high listening levels. And usually I find that ... 
Why are these speakers so bright but others not?
Donato,You can get 10w 1-ohm power resistors at any electronics supply shop or RadioShack. You might even find 2-ohm and 3-ohm resistors. If you can only find 1-ohm resistors, you can always solder 2 in series to have 2 ohms, 3 in series to have 3... 
Why are these speakers so bright but others not?
Hello,It looks like your system is a bit bottom heavy....in this I mean that you have focused much attention on the speakers and yet a major upgrade to your phono or CD setups and perhaps even more so, the preamp, would bring far more refinements ... 
i am trying to get a smooth vinyl sound from cd
Mlauner: Everytime I have heard Naim gear I have been incredibly impressed. But I would be interested to know exactly what turntables the Naim CD player rivaled. I still have not heard any CD player that matches a top-notch LP setup except on the ... 
Review: Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature Turntable
What a wonderful report. I enjoyed every detail.John 
Few problems on "new" tt
Ken, you funny guy! I had to laugh.But seriously, I just posted a Dual 505 TT for sale here, absolutely incredible condition that my best friend had for 15+ years; he just wanted to unload it. It works beautifully. We let it go for $40. There are ... 
Any tube DACs with tight bass?
I own the Manley Ref Tube DAC that has absolutely incredible bass extension. But I also had the VTL Ref Tube DAC for a couple months at the same time. The VTL had a little more of the lowest bass presence but it was not clear which of the two unit...