
Responses from jafox

Sex and the balanced interconnect.
I was about to say the same as Kr4. Indeed, it is a good thing. And I like the locking mechanism that comes with most XLR, female and male, connections on the chassis. 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
Oh man does this thread ever have the potential for member polarization! I read claims that Tranxport X has "analog" qualities or that Transport Y benefits greatly from power cord upgrades. These products should be the absolute easiest to test ele... 
Sex and the balanced interconnect.
I have the same concerns as Kr4. On all the products I have had, ARC, BAT, Aesthetix, Counerpoint, Wolcott, etc., the inputs on the electronics has always been female and outputs are male. This is an industry statndard. The only thing the industry... 
Cable coherence - using different cables
The SilverAudio and CardasGoldenCross is the silver/copper combination that worked for me. But NBS Signature or Master, at good prices on Audiogon, could be a better choice all around.....but you need to try for yourself. 
Cable coherence - using different cables
Hello, My experiences with trying so many cables is that you can achieve great results by mixing different types before you consider diving into the high priced cable products. This was ideal when my budget was in the $300-500 range for each link ... 
Audio Research LS-5 & Pass X250, good match?
Hello,As a long time LS5 MK II owner (7 years) and MK III owner (a little over 1 year), my experiences with the 2 versions is different than the previous post. In 1997, I took my MK II to the ARC dealer to compare with the MK III. It was the LS5's... 
Tough BAT choice ? VK-150SE/VK-600SE
Hello,As you can see from many of my posts here, I am a huge fan of BAT products, primarily phono and line stages; I have not heard their power amps however. But I have to imagine that all I have read here on Audiogon about the Atmasphere amps, I ... 
Pass Labs versus Jeff Rowland, Audio Research
Hello,I have written much here about ARC gear and my experiences with Magnepan 3.3 and now 3.5 speakers. Indeed, the VT100 is a wonderful amp, but the VT130 from the mid 90s was absolutely incredible ... midrange to die for....and what an awesome ... 
Opinions on Audio Research DAC III. Tube Dac
Hello,I have checked this post a few times hoping others would chime in. But here are my experiences in my quest to find a musical redbook CD DAC....and owning the DAC3 along the way. You do not mention the rest of your system. The ARC DAC3 is one... 
The end of Focal based speakers like Wilson Audio?
That can be a whole lot of money to spend on a product solely based on its model number. I sure hope people anywhere, Asia or elsewhere, buy such a product based on it performance and not the number. 
Balanced Phono Connections
Hello,I had exactly your setup a few years ago. Was first using the ARC DIN-to-XLR to the PH2 and then tried the same connections with a SilverBreeze cable from SilverAudio. This latter cable was absolutely phenomenol in terms of clarity and resol... 
best shippers?
FedEx Ground? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPS and FedEx are both a disaster. You can pretty much forget about either of them covering the insurance when they trash your products through what is very clearly careless handling. 
Upgrade Thiel CS3.6 to CS6??
Hello,I had a pair of 3.6 and 2.3 for front and rear speakers in an HT system. This was quite nice but the pair of Talon Khorus and Peregrine that replaced the Thiels is simply in a completely different league. There is a very natural tonal balanc... 
Which amp is better suited for LP playback?
Hello,You make no mention on the speakers you are or will be using. The amp to choose will depend much more on the speakers than the type of primary source in your system.System synergy is important with all components chosen, but the amp-speaker ... 
mixing tube and solid state amps
I would not at all be concerned with the speed of the tube amp "keeping up" with the solid state amp. This is silly! A number of us seek a tube amp because it creates a 3-dimensionality, a harmonic richness and and natural decay of notes that even...