
Responses from jafox

I was a happy and proud owner of the LS5 II / III for almost 8 years. It's good to hear my old LS5 III is being enjoyed so much, Steve. Sounds like you have had it modified and retubed. Very cool. And Ken, no need to be envious, get to it and get ... 
IO Signature/Steelhead/Arc Reference/ and Colibrì?
Hello,I posted a similar question here last year. I recall that Albert Porter and another member here, both with phenomenol systems, preferred their systems with a line stage rather than using the Io straight into their amps. They both claimed the... 
Too many tubed components in the system?
Hey Albert,Have you considered tubes for your Turntable Motor Controller? That could get you to 120. 
Adcom 555,B&k St 140, Mccormack .5 dna
I have a 555 from the late 80s. It handles the difficult loads very well. There was no problem with Thiel 3.6 nor Thiel 2.3. However, the 555's sonics are mediocre at best compared to the so many great amps of today. The Adcom simply collapses the... 
What is a Digital to Analogue Converter
Have you looked into the new McCormack UDP-1 Universal Player that supports virtually all the disc formats and does the D-to-A conversion? This is the companion component to the MAP-1. 
B & K reference 50
Hmmm, the "logic" used by Rwwear really applies to all components here....why a thread on B&K was chosen to make such a statement is unclear.I own the B&K 50. It works mighty fine in the context of a HT-only setup. I am not overly excited ... 
Did anybody use a Straight Wire Virtuoso R I/C?
Hello,I had both Virtuoso Platinum and Gold XLR cables and tried these each at various links in my system. After trying so many other cables out there, Cardas, MIT, NBS, etc., did I realize how bright and forward these cables can be. However, it d... 
Custom Made Dust Covers?
Another happy customer of Vinh. He made a very nice clear cover for my Clearaudio Ref TT. He also perfectly matched the cover of my Versa Dynamics 2 TT with all the dimensions and rounded corners. Excellent quality and value.John 
Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.
My experience with using tube amps with Maggie 3.3 and 3.5 is that you need something in the 200w+ range. The 110w ARC VT130 was absolutely spectacular in the midrange at medium volume levels but quickly ran out of steam. I then tried the older AR... 
From CAL Alpha to ARC DAC3:an upgrade?
Hello,I had a DAC3 MK II for a few years that mated well with my Pioneer PD65. This was at a time when my system was all ARC: PH2, LS5III, DAC3II, VT130. Cardas Golden Cross cables worked well here. But overtime, the forward ARC sound was just too... 
Theta Data Transports
Hello,I bought a Data II laserdisc/CD player a couple years ago. Unfortunately it was damaged in shipment. When I removed the cover, I was astounded to see how poorly this unit was manufactured and assembled. It looked like a product from a startu... 
Magnepan MMG's just arrived
Congratulations on your new adventure. I too am quite a happy Maggie owner. Somehow they bring on a level of musical enjoyment that can be quite captivating. They typically need to be played at a middle volume level to bring them alive. Loontoon b... 
Bat VK-51se vs. Atma-sphere MP-1 Mk II
Hello,I know that you ask about the 51SE vs the MP1, but a year ago I was looking to spend much less so I compared the 31SE vs MP3 to my ARC LS5 III. This was at a Minneapolis BAT dealer; I had borrowed the MP3 from another dealer for this shootou... 
Melos vs ARC
The two ARC line stages you list here are indeed analytical. And they are also much more expensive than the SHA-Gold. The Melos 333 was a line stage in a while different class of musicality ..... as was the ARC LS5. If you want to get a taste of i... 
Problems with Lutron Light Dimmers causing a Buzz
Excellent idea from Albert but as his final note indicates, playing with raw power, bare wires, touching chassis, etc., just make sure you use the correct pin as he states. Since you say every dimmer in the house must be off, I would try one or tw...