
Responses from jafox

New Years Resolutions
What a great thread for the start of the year. I think we all get frustrated here from time to time when we read comments or advice that goes against all that we know and have experienced. The trick is to write a response from the heart without of... 
Audio room dimensions
Hello,The larger room will benefit greatly by allowing you more flexibility to pull your speakers farther out from the back wall if needed. If they do well with minimum distance from the back wall, the larger room allows the listener more flexibil... 
How good is today ARC PH2?
Hello,I will chime in here as I owned the LS5 Mk II / PH2 combo for 6 years, which replaced an ARC SP-10 I owned for 8 years. I then changed to the LS5 MK III for one more year, and then moved onto BAT and Aesthetix products. The LS5/PH2 pair was ... 
Tara Lab Decade XLR versus AQ Diamond X3 XLR
Hello,It's always interesting how each of us has such different experiences, priorities, likes, etc. About 7 years ago I was on a quest to find a great interconnect between my pre (ARC LS5) and amp (ARC CL60). After so much praise on the AQ Diamon... 
Best speakers for Opera.
Rwwear - laughing loudly here. 
6550 to KT88
Be very very careful with the JJ KT88s. Their reliability was a disaster for me with them not lasting more than 6 or so months. Upon destruction, they launched a power resistor in the amp (ARC VT130) each time. I went back to 6550s, lost a little ... 
Can OTL's drive ribbons well?
A very interesting thread as I will soon have an opportunity to listen to the Atmasphere amps with Electrostatics (SoundLab) and hopefully my Magnepan 3.5s if the dealer will allow me to lug them to his shop. As for the suggestion to stick with ss... 
DVI Inputs & Outputs
Why not just go from cable box directly to the TV and bypass the HT receiver altogether. This elimnates any conversion and a 2nd video cable as well. Surely the TV has multiple inputs so use one directly from the cable box and if you have many oth... 
Blown Tweeter & midrange fuses Magnepan 3.6r
Hello,I have had similar experiences with fuses blown with 3.5's. With an ARC VT130 amp, 110wpc, this amp clipped just as the volume started to get very loud but it was a very soft clipping and I think because of this, the fuses failed only a coup... 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
Sean: Thank you for the history on the Hovland models. Much appreciated for your time to cover this. Perhaps their experiences are very parallel to mine as my 12 year-old PD-65 continues to do an incredible job as a transport. Other than the $3k M... 
Best Subwoofer for Magnepan speakers
Hello,I don't know how someone can claim that only one model will work "seemless" here. How on earth do you measure or validate what is seemless? I think it has far more to do with placement, room interaction, crossover points, amps used on the Ma... 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
Sean...thank you for your comments. I can not speak for the comments of others here that put a "negative" spin on this issue. I agree with your statement here that people make general statements without backing them up with their own experiences/k... 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
Hmmm....."Those with limited knowledge, lack listening skills, have only a basic understanding of theory with no test equipment will tell you what they think."I guess the above statement clearly applies to me. What knowledge do I need to have to i... 
Interconnect downstream flow
This thread comes up over and over and over and always the same responses. Contrary to the old UK brainwashed pro Linn/Naim magazines, putting the "BEST" anything at the front is NOT always the solution, in fact it rarely is with cables. It has no... 
McCormack MAP-1 update
Great to hear of your success, but it would be nice to know which tube preamp you are comparing with the MAP-1. I too am thinking about a MAP-1 but it is hard to imagine it bringing on the magic of a tube preamp like my BAT 31SE or previously owne...