
Responses from jafox

Power Conditioner to the rescue
Trelja: Thanks for your support here. It's pretty tough to share such experiences without going overboard with the details. Too much information can turn the report into a novel which quickly becomes boring. But for A'gon members like yourself whe... 
Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best
Rsa: The LS2, LS15, LS16 and LS22 all pretty much equally destroy the 3-dimensionality and portrayal of space in the music. Try the LS5 (in any version) compared to your LS2. This experience would easily redefine "smoked it". 
Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best
Well done Ken! 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
Right on Perfectionist. I am eager to hear how it all falls into place for you.JD: Are you willing to share your new cables with us less fortunate cable owners? 8-) If I bring over the Callisto to hear how it works with your new fancy-pants cables... 
Power Conditioner to the rescue
Here's a followup to my initial report....this time with LPs as the source. A favorite LP for comparisons is the "Riviera Paradise" track from Stevie Ray Vaughan's, "In Step". The first thing to try was the Clearaudio Ref TT's AC motor. After swap... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
Perfectionist: You raise some valid points here. Jadem6 (JD) and I have had much discussion about these two Aesthetix pieces. We have directly compared them at three different times at our homes. If you have not already read the reviews he wrote h... 
Got NBS Omega I cables - Shunyata Hydra now ?
Mike,I have been using NBS Statement in many links of my system for the last 5 years. However, I have also tried and had great success with MIT 350 Evo ICs, SilverAudio tonearm cable and now just recently, Coincident TRS spkr cable. There is a who... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Oh oh Guido, you're really putting me on the spot with my love connection to the Callisto. I was just teasing you about the 2nd P.S. I use one and this works beautifully. And no, you can not stack any of these pieces because of the heat they gener... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
I have been following this thread and finally thought I'd dive in for a little balance from Judge Judy and other critics. There's just no way someone can go to one place and hear one product and then to another place in a different room and system... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Good to know that you have decided to broaden your product auditioning. Will you have room for a second power supply in the future? 8-) 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Wow, you have some serious work ahead of you. With the requirement of a truly balanced design and your focus on 3-dimensional qualities, extended and open top end, the field of products is truly small. I would like so much to hear the VAC as I sus... 
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?
Guidocorona: I can certainly relate to the issue of you wanting reliability but this comes with a lot of product lines these days so I would not worry too much here. You have listed a number of very highly rated models. I have not heard any of the... 
Power Conditioner to the rescue
Tvad, I can relate so well to the quest for those "A-Ha!" moments. After many failed attempts here for improvements in some links in my system, I simply quit trying and returned to focus on those links that gained much from further refinements. In... 
Power Conditioner to the rescue
Tvad, thanks for the support. This was a new adventure for me. And I expected only a few minor improvements but the outcome was hardly minor. I can see Art and JD both nodding their heads, "we told you so, we told you so, finally you listened". Th... 
Audio Research Classic 150
Please do a search on these amps here in the forums. I have written much about these amps after owning them for over a year. And hopefully others have as well.The CL150's were so highly praised in their time (1989) and to be honest, I just don't g...