
Responses from jafox

CAT Amp Power Tube Options...
I too am running with Winged C's (in JL-3's) but have also wondered what benefits KT88's might bring as they were wonderful in the ARC VT130 amp I had several years ago. With the CAT amps, I would be more concerned about reliability and longevity ... 
Phono Preamp Vs. Transformer for Moving Coil
I think you will not find a consensus on which way to go. Some people claim SU transformers cause dynamic compression and others praise them because of their low noise and tonal neutrality. The BENT AUDIO TX-103 step-up device as described by Arth... 
Shipping Aesthetix Calypso/tube gear, in general
It is ALWAYS good practice to remove the tubes from their sockets and return them to their boxes. You can then wrap all this in bubble wrap and then put this bundle back inside the amp IF it is secure. If all judgement leads to shipping the tubes ... 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
Rmaurin,>>Why did you install NOS tubes?After owning the ARC SP-10 and LS5/PH2 for a combined 15 years, I was familiar with the sonic differences between some brands of 6DJ8/6922 tubes. The Amperex were much more to my liking over the stock ... 
"Reference" Preamps
I have some relative comments concerning the Callisto Signature to three other models in my own system: Calypso, BAT 31SE and CAT Ultimate II. The Callisto Sig and the Calypso have very similar tonality and frequency extreme coverage but the Calli... 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
Wow, cool to see this thread still has a heartbeat. I started this thread for some assistance to get the Callisto "up and running". After reading much of Albert's tube advice, I started this thread to share my own tube experiences for the Callisto... 
preamp to go with counterpoint amp
Which Counterpoint amp do you have? .... tube or ss? I have been running an NPS400 with Basic upgrade for nearly 5 years. When I got it to compare to my far more expensive ARC Classic 150 mono amps, I was shocked to hear what a superior performer ... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs Dunlavy IVa crossover modification
Wow, JD clearly sets the benchmark to share his knowledge and experiences with the Audiogon members. Hey JD, any interest to rework the passive components in my SoundLabs? 8-) 
Review: Purist Audio Design Custom Aesthetix Umbilical Power cord
Wow, nice to hear this has been implemented. My only concern would be that the effort here would not be fully realized until all the wires inside the units were updated with the same implementation as the cables. 
Best AMP for Avalon Eidolon, ARC, CAT, VAC..?
Well before you come to any conclusion that all multi-tube KT88, 65500 or EL34 amp designs are the same, you should give the CAT amps a listen. The dynamic contrasts and transient speed here is very impressive....and not just through the mids and ... 
First Tube Preamp
ARC SP-8 is my vote. This was THE most impressive experience for me when I heard this back in 1983. I was so ready to buy it but the dealer was not ready to let it go so fast. I ended up with the SP-10 soon after, and then the more refined PH2/LS5... 
Best AMP for Avalon Eidolon, ARC, CAT, VAC..?
"Nothing, absolutely nothing, comes close to the transparency, mid-high dynamic contrast (note mid-high only), and most of all, musicality, of the PHI70s."I assume this "nothing" includes the CAT amps. And if so, that's quite a claim. 
Eminent Technology ET-2.5
I was under the impression the post was for the tonearm which I have seen a few recently on ebay. 
Speaker cables to go with Pass Labs XA160
I played with the Purist Aqueous Anniv (AA) spkr cable and found them to be way too non-linear vs. the Purist Opus spkr cables. The AA spkr cables had a very prominent and wide peak in the mids that quickly became too fatiguing for me. A return to... 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
Cytocycle - I don't think there is a "typical planar quandry". But then again, SoundLabs are not your typical planar speaker.There is much discussion about room size and compatibility with certain speakers, low-end coverage, etc. This was a concer...