
Responses from jafox

What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
No comments here on SoundLab stats so I will chime in. As stated many times on A'gon before, I was a huge Maggie fan (3.3 and 3.5) for many years until I heard the SoundLabs pretty much destroy them in every way: dynamics, low-end extension, fulln... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Bob I mentioned this as I wondered if the nanotecs would benefit from a burn-in time? If they changed so quickly for the worse, could they change back for the better? Maybe you could run them in the small system for a week and or two and then try ... 
Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system
Bobgates - How can your opinion so radically shift just a day after your post? You lived with the cables an extra day and this leads to the "After having lived with these cables for a while I now have somewhat of a different perspective"? Long ter... 
a/b interconnect cable comparison single ended
Thanks Sean for your comments. They reflected exactly the points I was making here.The reason I suggested the tape loop methodology was because of Mrtennis' statement, "use the results to help determine which of the two cables alters the sound mor... 
a/b interconnect cable comparison single ended
I do not understand how CableA-coupler-CableB is different than CableB-coupler-CableA.The coolest way to do this is to use a line stage's tape monitor loop. You have the added RCA connectors on the line stage and the monitor switch itself, but the... 
BAT VK-51 SE or McIntosh C200?
Sotaphile: Even after your own observations with the Cary indicated that something did not sound "right" for you, you still went ahead and bought the unit because of everything you heard about it and a silly magazine review? Did you at least take ... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 Part II
Anacrusis, the issue of tubes is not only about tonality. Sit at a piano and hit a few keys. Do the notes abruptly truncate or do they gradually decay? Then listen to piano music through your favorite ss and tube phono stage, line stage and amplif... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 Part II
Dave_b: Please share with us the "pre and main stages" products you used to conclude that "tubes really do an amazing job at screwing with the signal" but that they do not do this at the source. And what source component do tube output stages rule... 
BAT P5 or P10 phono preamp
I would not pay too much attention as to what could be labeled as overkill for a phono stage. I have seen recommended systems where phono is the primary source, the TT/TA/Cartridge is often upwards of 40-50% of the system cost with the phono stage... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 Part II
Tvad: Interesting as I only have experience with the same exact tube, the single-ring getter, Albert has noted. I have a variety of Mullard gold and steel pins but only steel Teles here so I have no experience with the gold vs. steel Tele.I bought... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 Part II
Tvad - I would be happy to ship a pair for you to play with but it sounds like Albert has the Fort Knox of these tube types under vault and key. I suspect he could ship you several different pairs to give you an idea far beyond me only sending the... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 Part II
Ah ah ah, Mr Tennis, don't get too ahead of yourself on assertions. There are many current models that respond significantly to tube changes. Could it be the resolution of the system used to evaluate the components and not the specific component u... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308, CCa, etc
Mrtennis - When I owned the BAT P10 a few years ago, I never got around to playing with the many different tubes like I did after I got the Aesthetix Io. So I have no experience that may or may not match your findings with the P5. It may very well... 
Tube Characterization: 6DJ8, 6922, 7308, CCa, etc
My tube rolling experiences with many tubed-based components is polar opposite to the comments made by Bartokfan. What exactly are people trying to wiggle out of? Quantifying how each and every brand/model tube will sound in each and every compone... 
Tube preamp as foundation for 2 channel upgrade
This is an issue that I have thought much about as well. I also currently use a ss processor (B&K) and a 5-channel budget amp (Adcom) but also a Counterpoint ss amp for the front speakers with much refinement over the Adcom. And I too have Tal...