
Responses from jafox

John - I heard the VD Revelation for a brief time last year when I was getting my Manley DAC updated. This audition was made in another audio system. With the VD Rev PC, the Manley had quite a flat presentation, not at all like I had heard it befo... 
Tbg - I currently own a pair of Stealth Dream (power model) PCs and several Stealth M5000 PCs. When I had only one Dream cable, I danced it around the system to determine the comparative benefits at each component. Some models, the Aesthetix Io an... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
Henryhk: I have not yet heard the Stealth speaker cables. I know a couple people who use the Dream speakr cable and swear by these things. I am reluctant to listen to them as I might not be able to send them back....and their cost is scarey. And s... 
I played with a pair of Vermeil and 2 pairs of Gold trying to find a way not to like the Gold because of the cost. But the way the Gold allows for the performance behind the speakers to come to life is like no other IC I have had here. Gone is the... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
Drubin, I guess it comes down to how we define synergy and also how we avoid getting trapped into choosing components, particularly cables, for the sake of correcting other flaws in our system. How often do we see a forum here where someone is ask... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
Can you elaborate? You seem to be saying that linear cables are the key,No, I am simply saying that compensating for a system's resultant tonality flaws is not best served by applying tonally colored (non-linear cables) to achieve a perceived syne... 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
or is a carly simon box set the new reference standard for critical listening?Since I was the one who made reference to this as a musical source for component audition, I thought I'd inject a few comments:Each day I play different music and it jus... 
Organic, Texture, and Palpability - Please Define
Man oh man I have having a most difficult time behaving myself here but I will. But Albert, don't set me up again like that! 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
Not having a remote or an active linestage is stupid in today's world..the best gear yields nada to the would be purists.Thanks Dave_b, but I get along just fine without a remote, thank you.....nothing stupid about it. I had an ARC LS5 and a BAT 3... 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
I do wonder why the Aesthetix Calypso at $4,500 comes stock with a full function remote, while a Aesthetix Callisto Signature at $11,000 comes with no remote at all......seems strange.I went with the Callisto simply because it has far more tubes. ... 
Please help, I'm worried about my Koetsu Urushi
Ingemar, I have a Rosewood Signature and it too rides very close to the LP surface. So your experience is not unique here....hope this helps to ease your concern. 
ARC LS 25 Mk 11 Bypass
you could do this yourself with a simple A/B switch and forget about a theater through pass inputTrue, but I still want the tube line stage there to make use of my 2-channel analog sources. And I do not want to fuss with disconnecting the IC-pair ... 
ARC LS 25 Mk 11 Bypass
This whole discussion hints at a feature I have wanted from tube preamp manufacturers out there: implement HT pass-through WITHOUT the need for the tube unit to be powered on. Why is this so difficult? If all we want is to route a pair of inputs d... 
Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?
Awwww nuetrality. Are we talking of a power cord's tonal neutrality but which obliterates the 3-dimensional portrayal of instruments .... or can I get all this in a $100 (or even a $10) power cord too? 
I must say that the Jade cables are largely trial and error.Is this not true for just about everything in the world of high-end audio?There were many prototypes before he settled on the Vermeil and Gold.Knowing JD quite well now, I am sure that is...