
Responses from jack_dotson

Lkdog, I certainly like the way tubes sound and would consider a tube pre-amp. However, tubes are a bit of a hassle IMO and do have their draw backs.The Belles 21A that some have recommended is a tube pre-amp and I imagine a very good one. But I r... 
Arcam AVR 300 vs Rotel Seperates
Keep the Arcam and get a better source or use the money to upgrade the speakers.There are a couple of Naim CD5i units for sale here on AG for ~ a grand. Put that up front with what you have and see what happens. :-) 
Yep, you guys are right. I will put the Belles on my short list. However, I'm curious if thier soloist pre-amp wouldn't fit my needs. I only need one set of inputs for my CDP and the HT by-pass because my Arcam will take care of everything else.St... 
Thanks for the responses so far. Tboooe, I think the Ushers are special. I don't want to give them too much of a review until I've had some more time with them, but right now I couldn't be happier.I can't wait to see how they sound with the Belles... 
Usher CP-6381
Kehut, thanks for the advise. I just made a deal on a Stratos amp with redboard and cap upgrade. Hopefully this will be a good match.What speakers cables are you folks using? 
Odyssey Stratos or Krell 400Xi for Usher 6381's
Jax2, if I went with the krell I was going to utilize the HT by-pass option. I understand your recommending the dual mono amps. But, the Stratos is not 100 watts, it's 150, plus it had the cap upgrade, so it should be fine. I realize I wont get th... 
Odyssey Stratos or Krell 400Xi for Usher 6381's
Thanks everyone for your fantastic inputs. I have a chance to get a one yar old stereo stratos with red board (what ever this is) and cap upgrade for $800 shipped. However, it has a silver face plate and I need black. This will probably add about ... 
Bryston or Outlaw
I've owned the Outlaw model-755 for a couple of years and it's and exceptional amp. I've never had the pleasure of hearing a Bryston so I can't compare, but they're supposed to be very good.The Byston has a good warranty, but the Outlaw is not bad... 
Usher CP-6381
Kehut, thanks for the response. I bought the 81's today, but the seller is waiting for new boxes to arrive so it will be a couple of weeks before I get them. Enough time to sell some stuff to help pay for them. :-)My seating distance is ~14' from ... 
CD Player recommendations for a SET system
Here's a 2nd for the Naim. I bet it would work magic in your system, even the CD5i which can be had new for ~$1700 and it just gets better from there. 
Usher CP-6381
Kehut, are you still around? I just dug up this old thread as I'm considering buying a used pair of 81's. It's been awhile so I was curious if you're still using the 71's? Also, I would very much like to hear why you prefer these to the 81's.If I'... 
Review: Energy Loudspeakers Veritas 2.3 Speaker
Your findings are nothing like mine. I suppose it has to be the room. I have a large room with an open floor plan and high ceilings. I do use a sub with my 2.3i's for HT, but not for music. I use the true bypass provided with my Arcam AVP-700.Bass... 
What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?
I went from Maggie 1.6's to Energy Veritas 2.3i and don't regret it for a minute. The Energy's are better in just about every way. The only speakers line I've heard recently that I like better is the Ushers. 
Processor for Audio Refinement Multi-5 power amp
Just ran across this post. Did you ever try the bi-amp option? I also have the AVP-700, but have never tried this option. But, per the manual two of the rear channels can be used for this purpose. Outputs the same signal that is fed to the main ch... 
Opinion Needed on Arcam AVR100 vs Denon AVR-3803
I would choose the Arcam.