
Responses from jack_dotson

which cowboy junkies cd?
As you've figured out by now, the Trinity Sessions is by and far their best album. Dekay, the odd noise your hearing is coming from an air conditioning vent. Someone else mentioned this was recorded in a church, but it was actually recorded in the... 
Need a Sub Cable...
Any other recommendations? I'm looking for a sub cable myself (RCA) so am following this thread with much interest. Anyone try the Nordost sub cable? I had a pair of the Blue Heavens in my systems that were just a tad bright, but the bass was supe... 
Please help with interconnects
Your rite on the money about the different sound of the different materials. This matches my experience. Fortunately I've finally found a combination that works in my system and my cable hunt is over until I change equipment again. I've settled wi... 
Review: Energy Loudspeakers Veritas 2.3 Speaker
I too am a Veritas convert. Been into this hobby for over 30 years and couldn't start to list all the speakers I've been through. Like the author of this review, I went to audition a pair of B&W N803's and came home with a pair of 2.3i's. Thes... 
Review: Energy Loudspeakers Veritas 2.3 Speaker
I too am a Veritas convert. Been into this hobby for over 30 years and couldn't start to list all the speakers I've been through. Like the author of this review, I went to audition a pair of B&W N803's and came home with a pair of 2.3i's. Thes... 
Jumpers - How good do they really have to be?
I would just try to keep it the same as my main cable. 
Alfa Core Goertz MI2
Thanks for the help. I did get a set of these jumpers with my cables, but I didn't put them on initially because the Goertz literature said to use them if necessary. I haven't had any problems without them, but I went ahead and installed them this... 
Alfa Core Goertz MI2
Any of you guys read this article?: http://sound.westhost.com/cable-z.htmHas me very worried about using the M1-2's. Sounds like it could cause damage to my amp. Goertz mentions this in their literature, but they don't make it out to be that big o... 
cd player to match Bryston B60 integrated
I second the Naim CD5i. Have one, love it! 
Naim Recapping
They still make a great CDP. :-) 
Sony DVP-S9000ES vs DVP-NS999ES for 2-channel?
I've had the 999ES in my system the past two years. It's a solid performer for video and multichannel duties, but lack for good Redbook or SACD two channel playback. I fooled with SACD's for a long time trying to get the sound I wanted, but in the... 
Please help with interconnects
Still not sure I'm 100% through with my IC 's, but I've found a keeper speaker cable. Thanks much to those of you who recommended the Alfa Core Goertz M1-2's. Put them in my system this past week and am very pleased with the results. I got a nearl... 
I've come to the realization...
Look no further than the Outlaw website and try their PCA's. They made my system too laid back and warm, but they might be just what you need. They add weight and warmth to the sound. I also very highly recommend you take a listen to the Naim CDP'... 
Alfa Core Goertz MI2
Got my cables in this week, but just got around to hooking them up today. Also bought the Gore Copper jumpers and they work just fine. Looks like they're actually made from the same material as the cable. First impressions are very good. Don't kno... 
B&W 801 speaker cable suggestions
Been doing much research looking for speaker cables myself and the two that keep coming up are Alfa Core Goertz MI2's and Kimber 8TC's.