
Responses from jack_dotson

Horn Speakers
I've owned many and heard them all. There's a reson the Cornwall's were resurrected by Klipsch and the Chorus, Fortes, etc. were not.They're very good speakers that have a smaller foot print, which is what they were designed for, but Paul knew wha... 
Horns for SET: Low budget solutions
Don't overlook the Zu's. I have Klipsch CW's and Zu Druids. Different, but I love both. 
Horn Speakers
Ecruz, you don't need to spend $10,000. The Cornwall's with a warm solid state, or even better, a 30 watt or so integrated tube amp, and you will be surprised at what they will do.A step up is the LaScalla's, which IMO are better, but don't have t... 
best amp for magnepan 3.6?
Maggie's have great synergy with Audio Research. I heard them paired to an all AR set-up, i.e. amp, pre, and CDP with Nordost cables and it blew me away. Maybe the best system I've ever heard.It's been a few years so I do not remember the model nu... 
Oppo DV980H Audio Quality
Hifidreams, I thought Blueray players only played DVD's. How were you able to compare the audio? 
Zu Druid questions
Undertow, thanks for the explaination. I realize with most modern day amp's power increases as impedance drops, but I had/have no idea how they respond as the load increases. I've never seen this discussed, even with all the attention the Zu's are... 
Center channel phase question.
Cdwallce, I'm not trying to pick at you, so please don't take it that way, but I think your wrong. Phase, as I understand it, is when the cones move in motion with one another. You can have two speakers located at an identical distance from your l... 
Zu Druid questions
Squeegybug, the CW's are indeed very different. I've also owned the LaScalla's and they're exactly as you described. Everyone I know replaced the stock crossover's to tame these and they had very little bass, if any, below ~ 50Hz or so. I consider... 
Adcom amp for Kappa 8.1's?
I owned the 8.1's for awhile. They're a fairly efficient speakers, but have a nasty impedence curve dropping to less than 1 Ohm @ some freq's.The only amps I ever used were the Adcom GFA 555-II and a pair of the 565's. The 555 did the job, but did... 
Center channel phase question.
Cdwallace, I really don't think this has anything to do with my question. I was talking about checking the phase, not delays.Delays are easy to set in most processors, especially one's like my Arcam where you just plug in the distance from the spe... 
Why no love for Integra's?
Thanks so much for the responses and advise. Of course I would always prefer to listen for myself, but it's very difficult in my town so I often rely on those who might have hands on experience.I realize some make comments without having ever hear... 
Zu Druid questions
Thanks so much for your cable opinions. They are very helpful. BTW, I just picked up a pair of Cornwall II's. Haven't heard them in years, but they are of my all time favorites. I can't wait to see how they match up with the Zu's. 
Zu Druid questions
Squeegybug, what differences did you hear between your two Zu speaker cables? I'm considering both. 
efficiant speaker with good bass?
I'll 2nd the Druid recommendation (my current speakers), but good luck finding a pair for $1500. Also, if your looking for more bass I would 2nd the Klipsch Heritage recommendations, i.e. Cornwalls, LaScallas, or Chorus. All in your price range us... 
Center channel phase question.
Thanks all. I think it's probably in-phase, but I'm going to roll the leads tonight just to check it out.I haven't had any issues, but I do run my three front speakers full range and got to thinking about the phase of all speakers, especially sinc...