
Responses from jack_dotson

Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ?
I don't know if they qualify for undiscovered, but the Energy Veritas' are so good it's almost unbelievable you don't hear them mentioned all the time, but you rarely do. 
Subwoofer recommendation
I've been through a few subs; Paradigm, B&W, Defenative Tech, Infinty, etc. and never could find one I really liked for music and HT. That is until I took a chance and ordered a SVS 20-39PCi. All I can say is wow, what a great sub. My wife hat... 
HT pre-amp/proccessor advise.
Thanks to everyone for your advise. I'm still looking, but can take my time. I actually found a problem with my system that was causing some issues. Somehow I developed the dreaded ground loop hum. The only time it was a real problem was when the ... 
what' your favorite movie to show off your sys. w/
For those of you who mentioned the new Cream concert, is it recorded in WS or 4:3 format? I've been looking hard at this one, just wasn't sure about the recording quality. BTW, I'll throw the new Eagles DVD into the mix. 
HT pre-amp/proccessor advise.
Thanks for all of your responses. I'd really like to hear more about your AR Pre-2 if you find time. The all analog unit looks decnet, but I also run a digital output from the cable box to my pre-amp so I can listen to movies coming off the cable ... 
Outlaw 950 Pre-Pro
Ran accross these reviews and thought I might add a long term review of my own. I've had the 950/755 combo in my system for about two years (a long time for me) and have been very happy with the performance and reliability of this combo. The rest ... 
Best of Both Worlds,
Energy C series. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
The best I've heard were the Maggie 3.6's. I know they have a 20.1 which is better, but I've never heard it. They were set up in a dedicated room with high end solid state AR equipment. The room was about 30' X 25'. They had the rear wall and all ... 
Center to match Energy Veritas 2.3i's?
Thanks for the responses. Yes, I imagine the 2.2 would work better as it has the same midrange driver. Have no idea why they didn't put this speaker in the V2.0i. Unfortuanly it's not an option. My TV sets in the middle of a entertainment center a... 
Help me with this choice Paradigm, JM Lab, Sonus
Don't buy anything until you give the Energy Veritas 2.2i's an audition. Great dynamics (good for rock) and sound good played loud without getting harsh. One of the best tweets I've heard, liquid smooth mids (some find them a little too laid back ... 
Advice on system and speaker placement-B&W
You didn't mention how far back your listening position is. If there is any way to get them a little further out, then I would do so. I've alway used the 1.5 rule (or manufacturer's recommendation) when first setting my speakers up and experiement... 
How good are the Paradigm Studio 20 V3 ?
Very good, but I would also take a listen to the Energy Veritas 2.2's. A bit more money, but worth it IMO. 
replacement drivers for Veritas 2.4
Dougell, I don't know about the old drivers, but I recently changed out my Maggie 1.6's with a pair of 2.3i's and couldn't be happier. I read allot about the speaker feeze problem with the original line and asked my dealer about it. He said the pr... 
DVD/CD/SACD player advice needed
I personally like the Sony DVP-999ES better than just about anything I auditioned. An absolutely beautiful picture, excellent redbook CD performance, and SACD as good as just about any stand alone unit I've heard. It's also well built and comes wi... 
14 foot ceiling: Best surround speakers?
Just read your post and don't know if your still looking or not. Anyhow, I could very highly recommend you take a look at the Sonance in-ceiling line. I'm not up to date on their current models, but I had a pair of TR-4000's installed in my 14' hi...