
Responses from ivanj

Retro Hi End Trivia Question
I remember these. They and the contemporaneous Rapaport Amp had a penchant for blowing up, as I recall. I think I saw one of the later on ebay recently! 
What's the best mid-range driver available?
Why don't you use a Quad Esl or the like? 
Highly Polished wire????
Do any manus. ultrasonically clean their cables during production? 
Your Opinion: Top 3 Vintage Receivers?
The Yamaha CR 1020 and others in that series were excellent. 
Looking for speaker to match with pass lab aleph3
Quads (57 and 63 variants) work well with the Pass Aleph 3 and 5, in my experience. 
Which Amp for uppermost freq' in tri-amped setup?
I've owned the Bedini and the Pass - the Pass is better but either is a good choice. 
Tuner in the 600 range for classical music?
Rx - Get an Accuphase T100 or T 101 and have Don Scott align/modify it. Also, if you can, get a good roof antenna such as an APS with a Channelmaster rotator. Make sure the cable runs directly to the tuner without amps or distribution boxes. I use... 
Why the lack of interest in Accuphase?
Glassboy, I agree with you, I just want to have full dislosure so I can make an informned buying decision, that's what it is al about, n'est-ce pas? 
Why the lack of interest in Accuphase?
I have an Accuphase tuner that a friend (now deceased) gave me. It is up there with the best McIntosh, esp. after Don Scott did his magic to it. I agree with Aknorth there is a lot of grey market stuff out there. My inquiries to ebay A'phase amp s... 
I am pissed
Dump the ebay habit. I've had nothing but trouble there. I was burned there on a tape deck purchase and will never buy again. In fact, I would look twice at the new wave of sellers from ebay who seem to have discovered A'gon. "Gee, this seems to b... 
A search for great cables for electrostatics
1.I have found Nordost Superflatline in short lengths to be a real bargain with electrostats of all brands. I find many cables have an artificial presence hump in the lower midrange that add a syrupy or chesty quality to baritone voices. The Nordo... 
A search for great cables for electrostatics
Detlof, how would you compare the Innersound speaker cables to the Magnan and others? 
Best Inexpensive Tuner?
Sugar, I'm with you 110%! 
Please help tube amp for panels and SS for woofer
IMHO the Wolcotts are so good I don't think you need the Becantos on the bottom. Can you try them like this? 
Best Inexpensive Tuner?
Sugar, Don Scott knows whereof he speaks. He made my vintage accuphase 30 - 100% better in nearly all specified dimensions. It is dead quiet under no signal conditions and more dimensional than ever on live BSO broadcasts. I'm sure he could do the...