
Responses from ivanj

Bi-amping speakers - Vertical or Horizontal
I have nothing to add except I am glad that Clueless is back - missed ya' 
The most erotic passages in classical music
Many of the passages in The Ring when it is a male/female theme or duet - when Wotan is singing farewell to Brunhilde, after he has stripped her of her powers, and placed her in the magic fire, for example. 
Confused - what to buy DAC or CD player?
I would check out the Sony DVD - 500 (whatever) DVD, CD, SACD player if you need DVD capability, other wise the 775 or the 222ES. The CD capability is acceptable, and the SACD sound can be very good indeed if the the recording is good (keb'Mo, for... 
Best CD player with Pass X150????
I use a Wadia 850 (balanced output) for Redbook and a cheap SONY SACD (under evaluation) for SACDs. You have a nice system! What don't you like about what you have now? 
All ML or mix & match with Electrostatics?
I would respectfully and seriously suggest that you audition full range Sound Lab electrostatics when you get a chance. If domestic tranquility and acceptance is a factor, the A series approach the look of fine furniture with book matched finish a... 
Personal amp evolution
Fisher S-100 (?)Sherwood receiver (early SS aaaargh)Crown d-150Gas Son of AmpzillaQUAD 405Bryston 2BAdcom 5400Bedini 25Llano s-100Accuphase ?Pass Aleph VWolcott 220M latest productionthus my first and last (hopefully) amp will be tubes 
How do we know?
I just emailed sony with this set of questions - will report back if they reply. BTW the player sounds better after 3 days of constant burn-in. More fleshed out and extended in the frequency extremes...than out of the box. 
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???
1. FIDELITY RESEARCH2. THAT OVOID SPEAKER COMPANY from New Brunswick Canada that used Bryston amps and crossovers and sold direct only.3. mlas4. Fulton as in Fulton J's, the precursor to Wilson.'nuff for now. 
interconnect help
You might want to talk to the folks at InnerSound. I have a long run of their balanced cables and it is excellent and a great value. I know that Roger is a fan of his single-ended cable so he can set you up with what you need.IJ 
Latest SACD News - Very Interesting.
Good points all. I believe that SACD is a path to keep performances digitally locked up without copy codes/protection. If no chip set and no player can copy the disk digitally, or output the bit stream (other than big $$$ players like Accuphase or... 
CD player with best dynamics?
I like my Wadia 850 - I'm sure that the 86x series is even better. I find the interconnects play a big role after you get everything else right. Remember that the CD technology and the devices are limited digitally so you need to rely on the inter... 
Acoustic Zen Silver Ref vs. Kimber Select 1030
Could you give us an update on your experiences, Jwmin? 
phono preamp
There's a Quicksilver Preamp on auction now. This, as I remember, was Bascom King's reference for years when he was reviewing for Audio. I could live with one, and I'm sure it will go cheap. 
Welcome to Ebay: Brand New Wow Look
I posted to this effect several weeks ago. And now the grey market Accuphase is being to flood the site.... 
Nautilus 801's- Cheaper Amplification
Try a pair of bel canto 200.2 bridged mono - you can get a pair around 2600 or so, wonderful precise sound.