
Responses from ivanj

Impedence and capacitance for a Supex 900 Super
start at 30 ohms load - after that follw joe's res.cheers - siver upstream is good. 
Which speaker cables???
Try some Magnan Signature speaker cables. Contact Audiokinesis, Duke will advise. 
Know anybody who mods analog r2r tape machines?
Look on rec.audio.tech for Richard D. Pierce. He used to modify Revoxes (did one for me) and might be adventurous to try if you sent him a plane ticket. He's a smart guy BTW. 
Is e-mail system working?
Folks reported problems to me today 
The weakest link?
Dredster, FYI, when the 750 is in passive mode it essentially is just a switch and a volume control. I like your suggestion about the digital cable!However, he should still try balanced, IMHO, owning some of the same gear our correspondent does. I... 
What happened to Martin Colloms?
http://www.enjoythemusic.com/hfnrr/I'm glad he is still around - he actaully measure the FR of amplifiers connected to the loudspeakers he is testing them with. A systems approach. 
The weakest link?
I have a 750 and a Pass amp. This gear is designed to run balanced. I believe that your system will sound much better in balanced mode. If your DAC does not have a balanced audio OUTPUT into the ADCOM I would replace it with one that does. Or I wo... 
Why buy older digital gear?
as a backup player. It is surprisingly good. It performs as well as a lot of today's big buck players. I hide it so people think it is the Wadia playing. 
Best XLR cable for Wadia 850?
Thanks for great ideas. Any suggestions - I hear Crump SLVR is good. 
Dynaudio or Wison?
I would try to cut a tradeup deal with your dealer if you are buying new. That way you can choose speakers that fit your current living space, and get full credit towards others when you make a move, under reasonable parameters of course. I'm sure... 
tuners under 1000?
Kenwoods can be good. Kt 88, the vintage tuners do have the toaster cords. The best mods include an update to an IEC cord so one can use the "hose" of their choice. You are right,it does make a diff. 
Retro Hi End Trivia Question
I believe the Koss Electrostats were designed in part by Dr. West of Sound Lab fame. As I remember they were pretty good speakers - didn't they have a "wall wart" sort of powersupply? Dunlap Clarkes liked to combust, also. They either worked well ... 
Recommended amp for Quad 57.
If solid state, Pass Aleph 3 or 5. If tube, Atmasphere S-30. Quad tube amps. DO NOT use a high power amp ( one that can output over 33 Volts RMS.) 
Advice on MC cartidge for vintage records?
Tom nice has made a great suggestion. Other cartridges that you might consider are the Ortofon MC 20 series. They are a bit more suitable for older recording, IME, than some of the new cartridges. You might also like the Linn and EMT cartridges. I... 
The best oil to use to lube a turntables spindle .
I use Mobil One on my VPI and Linn, (oh, and on my Space Shuttle, too :))