
Responses from ivanj

Recommendation on Balanced Interconnect
1. Make sure whatever your choice, make sure that the cable is a TRUE balanced design and not just a coax with XLR connectors. For exaMPLE, THE Cardas Golden Reference has a different implementation in XLR vs. RCA mode, as it should.2. I would sta... 
Equipment fetish
The best, fetish wise, was that pair of amps that someone built that looked like pair of spike heels. Is that your next step? High WAF! 
Let's forget about being politically correct
I feel sonically and electrically that a proper SS preamp and a good tube amp (ARC,Wolcott,SF,McIntosh) with the correct power and cables makes the most sense. I defy anyone to listen to my system and tell me it is not musically natural and quiet ... 
Tips needed for best FM reception
1. look in the yellow pages for an antenna installer. Tell him you want the best possible FM performance for under $250.2. Contact www.aps.com and see what they recommend. Then contact your local installer.IMHO 
FM radio enthusiasts
Right on Sean! Thanks for the tip! 
Ortofon MC Question
I have to respectfully disagree with Loontoon on the Kontrapunkt B. With the proper equipment, break-in, and setup it really is close to the very best. I've owned the SL15E, M20, X5. All good cartridges within their flavors. 
What is a NOS 6SN7 tube with these tube testers??
try tube asylum....or tube diy asylum. Might also call the Atmasphere folks I think they use these tubes. 
impedance mismatched ?
What brand of cables are they? I've had a number of balanced cables that really weren't balanced and hummed like crazy. They were just coaxs with XLRs stuck on the ends. 
Differences b/n KT-88 and EL-34 Amps?
I've found the input tubes have more of an effect on the sound than the output tube. That being said, try a big bottle 6CA7 as an alternative to the EL34. Bigger sound, should be plug compatible in most circuits. 
Old, beat-up recordings you still love.
Suggestions for FM Antenna Mounting
Sean- There used to be a toney salon in Mass which featured Sequerra tuners. The owner had a demo where he would tune the rotator to various stations and show the display improving even if the station was transmitting off frequency .I think that A... 
catridge match with Morch DP-6
I would go with the Kontrapunkt B or the new entry level Allearts. 
Can I HANG my QUAD 57's?
This is what the actress Faye Dunaway does with her stacked QUADs.Alos, try handing your electronics. 
Best high current SS Mono amps
Yada, thatnks for the nice sentiments. There seems to be a synergistic match between the Pass 600s and the CLSs. Definitely put them on your short list. Wolcotts are high current for Tube amps but can't compare to a SS on paper but they may actual... 
Upper midrange glare prominence --
I'm afraid it's the speaker. You've outgrown them.